~ Captive Hearts ~
by Anita Louise
Copyright Anita Louise

See Chapter 1 for author's notes.

Chapter 9

It felt as if she was in the eye of a tornado and a hive of bees had made a home in her head as Skylar Richmond fought to open her eyes. The eyelids felt heavy like something was holding them down. She was also experiencing dizziness and it became a fight between just letting her eyes stay closed and drifting away or fighting to get them open.

It became harder than ever to fight the darkness that kept beckoning.

But it was the face of Bobie Parker that made its way through the mist and through the buzzing in her head. Beautiful, filled with merriment, eyes that sparkled like the Diamonds of the Lost Mine of the Incas, Bobie could reach out and touch a person in wondrous ways.

At that moment in time, seeing her, gave Sky the will power to keep fighting the heaviness of her eye lids.

When Skylar Richmond opened her eyes the first person she saw was a very distraught and beat up looking woman. Before she could say anything the woman reached out and held her right hand saying, "You probably don't remember me but --"

"Remember --"

Tara groped for words. "Yes, more than likely, now you have lost your memory."

Sky seemed a bit incoherent and motioned for Tara to lean down closer so she could hear her. Tara leaned down as Sky said, "Be a snowstorm in Hades before anyone could forget you, Coltrane."

Tara didn't know whether to jump up and down which would be very unlike her or to kiss the woman for waking. This time, Sky would do her utmost to land a good one on her. She was not looking forward to a punch, even in Sky's weakened condition; odds were she would definitely feel it.

Sky, squinted toward her and asked, "Cat got your tongue?"

Tara was still holding Sky's hand as she replied, "No. But you scared about eight lives out of me."

Starting to move but thinking better of it, Sky laid back. "Where am I?"

"Doc Taylor's clinic. You and Bobie always spoke of him highly and he was the first person I thought of."

Still seeming a bit out of it, Sky mumbled, "I feel a death grip on my hand, did you think I was going to die?"

Quickly releasing her hand, Tara replied, "I was a bit worried. Nothing to get riled over."

"Not riled. Just surprised that is all."

Standing and walking across the room then returning, Tara said, "Why would you be surprised, I showed concern, surely if the tables were turned you would have too."

"Of course but --"

"No but, truth is truth. Besides don't go get all swellheaded." She stopped and thought about what she had just said then continued, "Sorry, bad choice of words."

Sky reached up and touched the bandage that ran around her head, covering part of her forehead. "I must be a dreadful sight."

Sitting once more, Tara leaned forward and replied, "You are always a sight to behold Richmond but never dreadful."

Sky slowly looked from side to side before she said, "Pinch me. This can't be real."

"Not pinching you and it is real. Jumpin Alabaster, can't a person pay you a compliment?"

"A person might but you --"

"I see that you are awake. Good."

Both women glanced toward the doorway to see Doc Taylor entering the room. He approached Sky and said, "It is nice to see you are still among the living Sky."

"Thanks to you Doc."

"No, I may have been instrumental but the thanks should go to your friend, Tara Coltrane."

Seeming completely confused, Sky turned her attention to Tara who stood and said, "I have a call to make." She left the room and Sky's emerald green eyes that were filled with questions.

Doc Taylor retrieved his stethoscope and said, "I'm going to check your vitals."

As the man went about this, Sky asked, "What did you mean I should thank Tara?"

"It was her that brought you in here; it has been her that has been vigilant by your side most of the time. I think she was really concerned."

"Doesn't sound like the Tara Coltrane I know."

He was checking her pulse as he said, "Maybe you don't know her as well as you may think."

Sighing and resigning herself to the doctor's physical, she mulled the man's words over and over. When he had finished she asked, "What happened? I remember seeing Sheriff Burgess, she pulled a gun, and there was a noise."

He walked toward a medical cabinet and removed several sterile bandages, tape and soon returned by her side. "I am going to remove the bandage, check the wound, put on some dressing if needed and rebandage. Sheriff's gun went off and a bullet happened to hit you."

Sky tried to recall but it was a blur. "I am lost Doc; need you to fill me in on what has happened since."

He glanced toward the door then said, "Your friend, took down the sheriff, placed her under citizen arrest and brought her here, when she brought you."

Sky was very interested in what Doc Taylor had to say and when he finally finished she found herself amazed at what Tara had been doing. "I did notice the bruises and cuts on her face but was not fully awake yet. From what you say, she got into trouble with the law again and all because of me."

"No, for you. There is a difference. Anyway she did take the sheriff to the hospital early this morning. From what I gather the two had brokered an agreement. Ms. Coltrane would not fulfill the arrest and the sheriff would not charge her with anything else."

"Sounds good, but knowing Sheriff Burgess, not sure one can trust her."

He thought for a second then said, "Let's hope she does. I have seen enough cuts, scrapes and bruises for awhile."

When Tara returned, Doc had already left the room, and it was Sky who was sitting up staring toward the door. "Good to see you up. Doc must have given you a miracle pill."

Sky bit at her lower lip, her eyes watching every movement Tara made. "Doc told me some of what happened and I want to thank you for all you have done."

Tara sat, looked at the woman and replied, "You're welcome."

"Want to tell me what happened between you and Sheriff Burgess?"

Cocking her head to the left, Tara got this distasteful look on her face. "We had a


"From the looks of your face, I would say it was a bad one"

"Should see how she looks."

Holding the palm of her right hand out in stop motion, Sky replied, "I can imagine. Doc told me some."

Tara Muttered to herself and finally said, "He certainly has a run of the mouth when it comes to me."

Smiling Sky proffered, "He is a good man. And like Bobie has mentioned to me many times, he really takes an interest in his patients. I know pretty much everything except the fight between you and Burgess. But from what Doc mentioned she was able to injure you

quite badly."

Tara huffed, "'Quite badly.' The woman almost killed me."

"Wow! Hard to believe anyone could get the best of you."

"Remember when I told you, you were the first three letters of assume, will I fell right into this trap, eyes wide open."

Feeling a chuckle about to find its way out, Sky quickly turned away, cleared her throat before saying, "Guess that makes us both human. Things like this happen; we just need to be more vigilant the next time."

"Won't be any next time if I have my way about it."

"Could you help me down from this table, get us both back to the cabin?"

"I could but not sure Doc will release you at this time."

"With you by by my side, he won't have a chance. Come on Tara, we both need to clean

up, get our bearings and begin again."

"Not sure about you, but I am pretty much done in for several days. And I forgot to also tell you I called Global."

"You didn't!" Sky's facial expression changed and a look of horror took over.

"What? You were in no shape to say anything. Doc kept saying I needed to call someone

and I finally did."

"Grief! One might think you thought I wasn't going to make it."

"It's not that. But someone needed to know what was going on. Never know about Sheriff Burgess I have found out her word is about as good as a snake bite."

"What did Barbara say? I hope she is all right. I need to call her."

She was shaken. Said if you did not regain consciousness she was sending a plane with crew to take you back to L.A."

Smiling Sky nodded, "Sounds like Barb. She would too. Hope you satisfied her."

"Not really. She wanted to talk to Doc. Have no idea what he told her."

"You need to get me to the phone, so I can call."

"I'll do it. But --"

"Oh, you didn't?"

"Yes, I called Bern."

If looks could kill, Tara would have been a crumpled mass at that moment. Sky definitely was unhappy. "Why? He --" She stopped before she finished the words.

Tara sighed, "Felt it was a good idea too. Look, I had the stuffing kicked out of me, so much had happened, I was a bundle of nerves."

"So tell me, how did Bern react?"

"Exactly like you thought he would."

Crinkling up her nose, Sky muttered, "He wants to come out too."

"Exactly. But I told him about Barbara Johnson and he was going to talk to her.

Whatever will happen it will be a joint thing."

"This is supposed to make me happy? Well it doesn't. I have to get to a phone and stop this before too late."

Doc Taylor appeared in the doorway once more, he was holding a file in one hand and a piece of paper in the other. Both women turned their attention to the man. "Good to see you are both up."

"What is going on Doc?" Sky asked, dreading the man's reply.

He handed her the piece of paper and said, "This message just came in for you and since you are awake now, I think it best you read it yourself." Before she could ask him anything else the man had left the room.

Tara looked at Sky quizzically and asked, "What is it?"

Sky gazed at the paper and the doctor's scribbling then replied, "It is from Bern, he and Barbara will be here sometime today. You really have opened a can of worms Coltrane."

"What do you want me to do about it?" Tara asked, pacing the floor.

"Call them, cancel the flight."

"Sure and I can conjure up butterflies at a moments notice. Hold on, I will go make a call, see if they have left yet."

Sky watched the woman limp from the room and wondered just how badly Tara was really injured. Seems they both should have stayed in bed on the day that seemed to rain buckets down upon them. She gazed at the note again, fully knowing that nothing would keep Barbara or Bern from there.

Tara was standing outside the clinic taking in the morning rays of sun. There was nothing like the beautiful awakening of the sun as it peeked over the horizon, soon to spread warmth and beauty to the sleeping land. She noticed a dog limping not far from the building; it was a cairn terrier, coat of gold, and looked to be in good health, except for the limp. Gazing around the area, she did not see anyone coming to get the animal so she

decided to check it out.

At first the dog shied from her, three legs certainly got it further than her two seemed to, but after softly talking to the animal and haunching down, the animal was getting more

interested in this human. Reaching out her hand as if she had something to give it, the dog ventured closer, it was at this time she reached out and took hold of the leather collar around its neck.

The animal bulked but she did not let go. Finally settling down, as she pet and soothed the dog, it began to lick her hand. "Good boy, see I won't hurt you. Well you let me take

a look at your leg?"

If the animal understood her or not, it didn't move when she gently examined the leg. Then looked at the collar to see if there was anything identifying the owner, there wasn't a tag. Petting the animal and talking softly to it, she picked the dog up and carried it into the clinic.

Doc Taylor noticed the woman walk in with the dog and held a surprised look on his face as he hurried toward her. "What in the world are you doing?" He asked while gazing at the animal that seemed very comfortable in the woman's arms.

"He has a bad leg, there is some blood on it thought you might take a look at him?"

"This is not an animal hospital, the veterinarian is in town."

"I know, but you are a doctor and there can't be that much difference in a dogs physic to a


He raised an eye brow reached out to pet the animal and said, "Yes, there is quite a bit of difference. But since you have the animal in here, take it into room one and I will look at the leg."

Once Doc Taylor examined the animal he looked up at Tara and said, "Looks like someone shot it with a pellet gun. The pellet needs to come out. Best you take the dog to the vet."

Tara was petting the dog as she said, "Can't you do it.?"

"I could but I am not a vet. I would not expect the vet to work on say your friend Skylar."

"All right, I get where you are coming from but this poor animal doesn't know the difference."

"Probably should call the dog pound."

"Why, so they can put him to sleep? What if people were treated the same way, how would you feel?"

"Look, Ms. Coltrane, I am a good doctor, I do my best but I could lose my license if someone reported me working on a dog."

"He has the cutest eyes, they see right through a person, look at the way he moves his mouth it is like, fix me Doc, please."

He chuckled, shook his head in disbelief then said, "All right, you be my right hand and we will take care of him."

A little later when she walked into the exam room to check on Sky, she was shocked to see the woman gone. Immediately hurrying to the front of the clinic, she asked, "Anyone seen Skylar Richmond?"

Several women looked up but both shook their heads. Then Tara hurried back down the hall, knocking on the exam doors, each time asking if anyone had seen Sky. She just

entered Doc Taylor's office when she heard a familiar voice coming from behind. Quickly turning she saw, Skylar sitting in a wheel chair, smiling toward her.


"That's me. Want to tell me why you are dashing all over the place?"

"Looking for you, what did you think?"

"Just checking. You have been gone a while, what has been going on? Did you get hold of Barbara and Bern?"

"Had a few things to do. Tried to contact them but could not."

"So what else have you been up to?

"Your friend seems to be taking in strays, Ms. Richmond."

Sky and Tara glanced up to see Doc Taylor walk into the room. The man was smiling to himself like he had just heard a funny joke or two. Sky held a perplexed look on her face as she asked, "What stray?"

"It's nothing." Tara spoke quickly tossing her head back as if to hope the conversation would change.

"Tara, give, is it man, woman or beast?"

Giving a scowling look toward Doc Taylor, she replied, "If you must know it is a dog."

"Goodness, Tara Coltrane and a stray dog, now that is one for the books."

Tara reached out and lightly lifted Sky's chin as she said, "Maybe you don't know me as well as you may think Richmond."

"The way things are happening, I think we will find time to get to know one another and who knows even you may be surprised Coltrane."

Doc was studying the two women and the expression on his face said it all. Finally he interrupted them by saying, "Best you too get back to the cabin. Not a good thing to stay here for too long."

The two spoke in unison, "Why? Did you hear something?" Then they looked at one another and laughed.

He just shook his head and said, "Sure you were not born twins in some foreign galaxy? To answer your questions, no, haven't heard a thing. But the sheriff has to give some sort

of reason for the knife cut and other injuries to her body, I just think it might be better the two of you were not found for awhile."

Tara nodded in agreement and said, "Right you are Doc. We are leaving this minute. Oh about the dog?"

He smiled and said, "It will be fine. I need a dog and this one seems to have taken to me. So you two go, get on with getting well."

"Thanks Doc." Tara smiled toward the man as she wheeled Sky from the room.

Once back to the cabin, Sky suddenly said, "We forgot to get Ol Yeller!"

Tara smiled before saying, "I called the airport and told them to pick it up. Seems wherever you go in that thing people look. And now, they flatten the tires. You don't need it anyway. We have my car, and for now that is all we need."

"Sure are getting bossy in your old age Coltrane."

"Not bossy, just logical. If you want the pickup, I will drive back --"

"No. It's fine. You are right, hate to say it but you are."

Tara sat on the couch next to Sky and let out a big sigh. "Thank the Gods. I am pretty much spent."

"I'm feeling better, need to clean up. You rest and I'll go --"

Tara caught Sky as she attempted to stand. "Woman, you had a bad head injury, it will take awhile for things to get back to normal. I agree, we both could stand a bath."

Sky smiled and winked, "Knew there was a smell in here just couldn't put my foot on it."

"Foot, hand whatever, that is not funny. Have you taken a good whiff of yourself?"

With Tara's assistance, the two women made it to the room where the bath tub set waiting for them. Tara smiled and said, "Sit, I'll start the water. Got any bubble bath? "

"In the cabinet." Sky replied then leaned over to remove a boot.

When Tara heard the thump she turned and ran to where the woman lay. Dropping to her knees, she asked, "Sky, are you all right?"

Fire in her eyes the woman spouted, "Fine! Can't you see I always want to fall on the floor?"

Helping Sky sit, Tara said, "You had a nasty head wound, why don't you just let me get the bath ready and --"

Sky slapped at the woman, "You are not touching me Coltrane."

Standing, Tara said, "Fine, then you come in the bath when you feel you are ready. Me, I am going to soak."

"Wait. You know I can't do this. Are you going to watch me crawl?"

"Cripes sake woman, make up your mind. First you tell me not to touch you, and then you want me to help. Which is it?"

Lying back on the floor, Sky gazed up at Tara and said, "Never thought I would ever say this, but I need your help."

Tara dropped to her knees once more and said, "Then just lay still and let me get these clothes off you."

Sky grasped Tara's hand which was already on the top button of her jeans. "Not that."

Throwing up her hands in frustration, Tara stood walked to the tub and turned the water off. Then she returned and was on her knees once more. "You want to get in the tub fully clothed, shoes and all?"

The look on Sky's face was one of disbelief as she answered, "No. All right, help me remove my clothes, but promise no funny stuff."

Sky crossed her heart and said, "No funny stuff. Now if you would just relax, I will have you out of these clothes in quick time and soon you will be soaking in the tub."

Closing her eyes, Sky reached up and touched her head saying, "I really do have a headache."

The two women began to laugh as Tara said, "Me too."

Her lengthy fingers took little time to undo all the obstacles and remove top, pants and boots. Then she sat back on the floor doing her best not to gaze at the beautiful woman that lay before her. She had a body that dreams were made of, lengthy, with curves that took a person to places of fantasy, full breasts peeking out from the lacy bra that adorned them. Her abdomen was tight; looking like it had just been sculptured and upon passing the naval her eyes stopped at the skimpy bikini panty and the treasure it was hiding.

Sky opened her eyes and asked "What happened?"

Sky was leaning back on the floor with her two hands, she was in a slanting position as she replied, "You happened."

Sky sit and stared at the woman. "Haven't you ever seen a nude woman before Coltrane?"

Tara nodded. "Many times. Just not you. And you are not nude."

Sky glanced at her body, her nipples had wakened making themselves known, the bra,

did little to hide them. She bit at her lip deciding to ignore this and said, "Maybe not nude but close. I'm no different from anyone else. So get on with it, help me to the tub."

Tara stood, took a deep breath and felt her knees grew weak like they were filled with water. "Just a sec." With those words, she walked from the room leaving a very bewildered Skylar Richmond wondering what was going on. When she returned, she had a bottle of JD in her hand. "Thought we might both need this. I feel a bit weak in the knees and you, well you are weak so let's drink some of this, and then take the plunge. The faster we drink the better. Maybe you shouldn't, your head."

"Not sure it can feel any worse." Sky took the bottle and also a long drink, and then handed it back to Tara who did the same. After many times of doing this she said, "All right, I think I have my strength back, so let's get this show on the road."

As the two reached the tub, it was obvious the water had cooled so Tara let some out and began running hot water in once more. While she was doing this, Sky managed to get her bra off. The two were standing very close and when Tara stood and turned she came face to face with two very beautiful breasts. Quickly turning away she said, "Could warn a person."

Sky reached out and placed a hand on Tara's shoulder then said, "I'm going to get in now, just don't let me fall."

Tara put an arm around Sky's waist and helped her get into the tub. Turned the water off and stepped back as Sky slowly sank into the warmth of the water. She then said, "I'll sit over here, when you are ready to come out, let me know."

Sky was attempting to blow the bubbles and make them take flight as she said, "Plenty of room in here if you want to join me."


"This is not something either of us asked for. Since us both have headaches, and the water is warm, I think it will do us good to soak, relax."

"Tara silently muttered, "Relax, you got to be kidding." She gazed at the ceiling and asked, "Are you sure?"

"It's nothing. Two women taking a soak. Neither of us is in any condition to even think about sex, if that is your problem."

"And Bobie?"

Sky raised her right eyebrow and said, "Bobie would probably kill us both."

"Exactly. I don't want to cause any problems in the marriage."

"No marriage. But a commitment for sure. Come on Tara, water is warm and I have to admit having a bit of a problem keeping my bearings."

Shrugging, Tara walked toward the tub. She removed her boots, pants and shirt. It was then her eyes met Sky's emerald greens, the woman was definitely taking every facet of her body to memory. "What's wrong?" Tara asked as she approached.

"It's just you are really bruised. That is what Burgess did to you?"

Reaching down to run her hand over the bruises, Tara replied, "Yes. Do you want me in the front or the back?"

"It is up to you, both of us being long legged, makes no difference."

Tara took a deep breath said a silent prayer to anyone that might be listening. The main thing she needed to do was nothing. As she sank into the water behind Sky she was softly chanting something.

Sky moved a bit to allow Tara's legs to get comfortable then said, "What in the world are you chanting about?"

"Nothing just me, being me."

The softness of Tara's legs against hers, the touch of erect nipples against her back, the electric current that shot through her was still with Sky when she woke the next day. She didn't remember when they got out of the tub, it was all a blur but waking in her own bed had the woman questioning exactly what happened.

Tara was no where to be seen but she knew the two had been in the bath together. Had they done something else? The thought was there but she did her best to shrug it off.

Cursing herself for being such an invalid, she decided to try and get out of bed. Slowly walking to the front room she stopped when she spied Tara sprawled out on the couch.

Her long legs spread out as if looking for something one going one way the other a different direction. The woman was on her back, a blanket covered her breasts, and snaked down to her lower region. Perhaps she had a fight with the blanket for it was askew. There was a contented smile on the woman's face and this took Sky back to the thought, did they do something?" Shaking her head and wishing she hadn't Sky hobbled to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. It was at this time there was a loud knock at the front door and she heard a thud in the front room.

Managing to get to the area the first thing she saw was Tara Coltrane on the floor, blanket off and all her beauty exposed to anyone that might take a look. The woman was scrambling to her feet and grasping the blanket when she saw Sky. Quickly holding it over her breasts she stuttered, "Sk--Sky."

"Got that right." She had just finished speaking when the front door opened as Barbara Johnson and Bernie Herbella walked in the room. Both people stood, mouths agape, eyes wider than usual and a look of astonishment on their faces.

Barbara spoke first as she pushed Bernie back out the door. "Bern best you stay out here for a second let me get this figured out." She stared at Sky who was dressed in a light blue nightie, her worldly possessions very prominent and then there was Tara Coltrane, holding a blanket in front of her bounteous breasts, but the rest of the woman was open to

view. Clucking her tongue to the roof of her mouth, Barbara said, "You two, what in the world is happening out here? First you call me then you call Bern and look at the two of you, you look like the cat that swallowed the canary. Someone want to tell me what is going on?"



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