~ Silence is Violence ~
by Eveh

Disclaimer: This is an alternative story. This is a sequel to Drowning Stupidity which is a sequel to Taking Chances which is a sequel to Black and Blue which is a sequel to Expected Surprise which is a sequel to Blind Charade which is a sequel to Unknown Factor which is a sequel to Infrequent Liaisons which is a sequel to Your Weakness Is Me. It's necessary to read the others to understand this one. Remember that this is the Versions of Fate series because I've named it that.

Love/Sex Warning: Not really.

Language: Mild.

Thanks: To those of my friends who understand why I insist on doing things the hard way. And to everyone reading this series.

Write me at: xengab01@hotmail.com

Silence is Violence
By Eveh

It was late at night and Kelli and Tamera sat in Tamera's sister's den talking about nothing of any significance. Kelli had made the trip out to see Tamera when her friend had called her and told her that she told her sister about Morgan and needed some back up. Jackie, Tamera's sister, really wasn't as upset as she was surprised by the information. In a way it made her kind of happy to be able to look upon her sister and see that Tamera wasn't the perfect person that everyone seemed to think she was. She could no longer claim the position of being the perfect daughter. Grand Tamera had flaws and she did things that weren't exactly proper.

The only real back up that Tamera needed was help to defend herself against the witty commentary her sister was prone to make. It was the kind of commentary that carried just enough malice to be annoying but not enough to wage an argument over. Jackie was only slightly bitter over their shared childhood and would do anything possible to point out that no matter what their parents had thought, Tamera wasn't the better child. Just because she graduated top of her class and was some doctor, didn't mean she was better than Jackie who just barely graduated and was trying to make her way up in the small insurance firm she worked for. Just because Tamera had married a successful lawyer and was well on her way to a blissful life that involved at least two point two children and Jackie had slept her way almost all the way through the male population of their hometown didn't mean Tamera was better. In fact, Tamera cheated on her husband with his sister-- of all people-- and she didn't have any children.

Actually, Jackie was almost sad that their parents had died so early because they didn't get to live and see how human their precious little Tamera was. They died thinking Tamera was the one that turned out right and Jackie was the one that turned out in a less than desirable way. Hopefully in their afterlife-- Jackie could only wish-- they were looking in on their daughters' life and seeing what kind of person Tamera was and cursing her name.

Oh yes, Jackie was only a little bitter.

At their parents funeral she had seen Tamera but refused to speak to her. She was quite upset that her all-knowing sister had decided to lay their parents to rest outside of their hometown. Tamera said it was the wish of their parents-- for they had made her the executer of the estate-- but Jackie didn't believe her. Their parents loved their hometown she couldn't understand why they would want to be buried anywhere else. Actually, Jackie didn't understand a whole lot when it came to her sister and her sister's decisions; maybe that was why she was eavesdropping on Tamera and Kelli. Jackie had strong suspicions that this Kelli person was probably Tamera's new girlfriend.

"So are you going to tell me what happened between Lacey and Morgan or are we going to sit here all night and not even mention the subject?" Tamera wasn't sure if she even wanted to know. She knew she was very capable of jealousy and-this she only would admit to herself-she was already slightly jealous of Lacey and Morgan's relationship. Morgan was just so open and honest with Lacey that Tamera couldn't help but be jealous. She wanted Morgan to be able to tell her anything. She wanted Morgan to be able to talk to her and tell her why she was just so afraid of solidifying their relationship.

Kelli let out a low groan then a soft snort. "Well, that is kind of what I was sent here to do," she said entirely to herself. The story was really something that should be told by Lacey. She was the one who everything happened to, but Lacey wasn't here and she never did want to repeat the story more than once. It took everything Lacey had just to tell Kelli what had happened there was no way she could get through it again with Tamera.

"A while ago when Lacey and Morgan took a trip with some friends she was attacked by some ignorant individuals."

"Was it because she's gay?"

Kelli looked to the carpeted floor. "No," she responded softly. "She was dating a man at the time."

"Then why?" Tamera asked eagerly. "Why would she just be attacked randomly like that? Were these people trying to rob her or something?"

"Well they were taking a road trip and just decided to stop in the wrong town. Lacey was simply attacked because she's black, I'd hate to think of what those guys would have done to her if they thought she was gay too."

Tamera did nothing but gasp. "Morgan found her after it happened and got her to the hospital. She lived obviously," Kelli continued, "but she never really was the same after that. Lacey told me that she just got angry at the world because she couldn't understand how people could stand up and say that things like that didn't happen anymore."

"What happened to the guys that did that to her?"

"They were arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Justice was swift and harsh they'll be in a prison for a long time, but Lacey didn't care so much about that. She told me that since she was such a confident and independent person and never thought herself to be so vulnerable she was very distraught and turned to her best friend for comfort."

"This is the part where Morgan comes in," Tamera helpfully supplied.

Kelli nodded. "Yeah. The way Lacey tells it Morgan was a very good friend to her and made her feel safe so she sought out the comfort that she desired and Morgan gave it freely. Apparently a relationship formed, but Lacey was still suffering from what happened to her. She refused to talk to anyone because she didn't want to admit that she had ever been vulnerable. So, she just got worse and was beginning to let her fear rule over her life."

"What was Morgan doing during all this?"

"Morgan was trying to be Lacey's lover and friend, but eventually Lacey just pushed her away. Apparently they had a very emotional and upsetting argument in which Lacey said and did some things that she very much regrets. She used Morgan up until Morgan had nothing else to give her then she took off. She hasn't told anyone, including me, what she did while she was away. But when she did return apparently she was better and she did her best to make things up to Morgan. It took them a while but they became best friends again and Morgan eventually forgave Lacey but she could never quite let anyone in like she did Lacey, because she was really hurt by what Lacey had done."

"This might sound like a stupid question but what exactly did Lacey do to Morgan?" Tamera asked genuinely curious as to what could scar Morgan so badly.

Jackie wanted to hear the answer to the question just as badly as Tamera did but she could see a car pulling up in her driveway, curious she walked over to the window and saw two women step out of a car she couldn't quite identify. They were both fairly tall but that's where their similarities ended. The one that had stepped out of the driver's side of the vehicle was dark-skinned and had a round face that was house to surprisingly gray eyes. She was a very attractive woman who appeared as if she should be royalty. Her walk was confident and Jackie couldn't help but think that she was about to be honored by this woman's presence. The other woman didn't appear as regal but if not royalty then she would at least be a noble warrior. Her lighter features yet still dark appearance complimented the other woman nicely and they made quite a pair. Jackie wondered if the two realized how intimidating they could be together. She almost felt like she should run to her room and change into something besides the sweatpants and t-shirt she was wearing.

Lacey knocked on the door and wasn't surprised that Tamera's sister answered. She hadn't met the woman yet, but she looked a lot like her sister. They were about the same height and had many of the same features; the only difference was that Jackie looked slightly older-which made sense since she was the older sibling.

"Hello I'm Lacey," Lacey offered her hand to the other woman which Jackie awkwardly took. "I'm sorry that we're here so late and I'm very sorry if we bothered you, but we kind of needed to see Tamera."

Before Jackie had a chance to respond Tamera came storming in from the den and cocked her hand back as she approached and once within range she took a rather controlled swing straight at Lacey's face. Lacey saw the hit coming and although she was quite ready to take it, her body thought otherwise and moved away from the incoming fist while raising her arm to catch the punch.

Morgan too saw the hit coming, but she wasn't sure quite how she should react. If Lacey didn't want to be hit then she would defend herself and if she felt for some reason that she should allow Tamera to hit her than that would be between the two. Morgan understood that Tamera, in general, was very defensive when it came to her and if Kelli had told Tamera what had happened in the past-which she obviously had-then Tamera was bound to be extremely angry.

Kelli hurried into the room after Tamera and after seeing the first punch was set on not letting another be thrown. If Tamera persisted in attacking Lacey then eventually Lacey would defend herself for reasons that Kelli only knew. When she had told Tamera that Lacey had told no one about what had happened when she ran away Kelli had lied. Lacey had told her what had happened and she was sworn to secrecy, but Tamera didn't know what happened she couldn't possibly know that Lacey had a limit on her self-control and when she lost it then she would strike out and Kelli wasn't even sure Morgan could hold her back.

"Tamera," Kelli wrapped her arms around the smaller blonde's waist and pulled her back. "Just control yourself okay? There's no reason for attacking Lacey now."

Tamera struggled in Kelli's hold. "Yes there is," she responded vehemently. "You bitch," She yelled to Lacey, "how could you do such a thing to a person you claimed to love, to your best friend."

Lacey lowered her gaze. "There is no reason for me to give you that you'd understand, and there's no answer I owe you. What I have done is not an issue here." Her voice was controlled but Morgan and Kelli could tell that she was slowly losing her control. She never liked being confronted by what had happened in the past, especially by people that weren't there to understand what had gone on.

"It's okay," Morgan finally stepped up hoping to stop Tamera from saying anything more. "It's in the past and it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that I get the chance to talk to you and to apologize to you and to take you in my arms and never let you go." She stepped up to Tamera and opened up her arms. Kelli was still holding onto Tamera and was unsure about letting her go but took a chance hoping that if Tamera decided to go after Lacey again that Morgan would stop her.
Once free from Kelli's grasp Tamera flew into Morgan's arms and wrapped herself tightly around the woman she had wanted a hug from ever since she was released from the hospital all those months ago. "Baby," she whispered understanding more than she had before.

Lacey watched the two women embrace and spared Kelli a brief glance then turned to step out of the still open door, but Jackie's voice stopped her. "What the hell is going on here?"

Jackie had watched the events in her home with an academic interest at first, marveling at the odd interaction between these women, but she no longer was satisfied with studying them, she wanted to know what was going on. Her sister was taking swings at a much larger and obviously stronger woman and accusing her of awful deeds while her sister's former sister-in-law was proclaiming that she wanted to hold Tamera in her arms forever. Now, Jackie did know a little of the story, but she was lost now.

Tamera reluctantly pulled away from Morgan's embrace and turned an apologetic look to her sister. "I'm sorry Jackie. I promise that I'll tell you everything just not now, okay?" Tamera didn't want to deal with her sister she only wanted to be with Morgan and a small part of her also wanted to take another shot at Lacey.

Not doing much in trying to hide her disappointment Jackie reluctantly nodded her head. "Fine. I'm just going to go to my room and to bed. You can tell me everything in the morning." She turned around to begin her walk to one of the two bedrooms and took a few steps before turning around. "Are you all going to be staying at my home tonight?"

"No." Tamera and Lacey responded at the same time. Tamera gave Lacey an evil glare. "She's not welcome in my presence ever again."

"Don't you think you're being a little?" Morgan began to protest but Lacey quickly interrupted. "No, don't bother with it now. I don't think me staying here is a good idea anyway. I'm sure I can find somewhere to stay for the night or I could drive back home. I only wanted to get you here Morgan, I did my job so I can leave now."

"I'm going with you," Kelli called to her and went into the other room to grab her jacket. She'd leave her bag there and just let Tamera take it back with her whenever she decided to come back. When she got back to the doorway Lacey had already walked out and was almost to the driver's side of the car. Kelli was sure she was going to leave without her so she ran out to the car. The three women left by the doorway turned to watch the scene that was about to unfold.

Once outside to the car Kelli went up to Lacey and pulled her away from the car. She said something, but too softly for the three women to hear. Lacey moved away from the car and said something that the three women also missed. She was waving her hands wildly and began walking down the driveway. Kelli rushed to catch up with her and was yelling for her to stop. Lacey turned back and pleaded for Kelli to just stay away.

"I promised you!" Kelli yelled back. "I fucking promised you and I'm not going to let you go away by yourself."

Lacey's body tensed even more than it already was. "I don't need you!"

"I don't care what you say darlin' I'm not going back on my promise." Kelli softened her tone but not her voice. "You're not going to lose your control again, baby, you're not capable of it."

The other woman's body sagged in defeat. "Fine!" Lacey looked around trying to see through the darkness beyond the driveway but it was just too dark and the only light was coming from the house. "Let's just go and I'll let you drive." Kelli had grabbed the keys from her earlier and she didn't quite like fighting to retrieve them.

Lacey walked slowly back to the car and go into the passenger side of her car. Kelli looked up to the sky and looked to be saying a silent prayer. She said something but no one could hear it. From the doorway all Morgan, Tamera, and Jackie could tell was that the fight was over. Kelli eventually got into the car and within moments the couple was gone.

The three women stood in front of the open doorway for a few moments until the tail lights to Lacey's car was swallowed by the darkness.

The End but not really. My question is how long is this series really going to be?

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