~ Princess ~
by H.W.

For author notes, see part 1.
This is an Adult chapter.
No plot to be found in this part.

Chapter 12

B'Elanna couldn't hold back a moan when Seven entered her. Hearing her own moan she looked around her, only to see Dasia looking back with a smile that told her that she knew only too well what Seven was doing with her hand under the table.

Kahless, Seven was going to make her come in front of these people. She was going to fuck her right there. For a moment B'Elanna wasn't sure how to react to Dasia's smile, until it registered with her that Dasia's top was hanging open and that her Mate, Gici, was busy sucking one of Dasia's nipples. B'Elanna decided to smile back as she gave herself fully to Seven's desire. She scooted forward a little to give the blonde better access. If they were really going to do this publically, she sure as hell was going to enjoy it.

"Slow," She said, answering Seven's question.

"Slow it is," Seven said as she slowly started to move in and out of the Klingon.

"Oh, god," B'Elanna moaned, not really believing that this was happening.

"Kiss me," Seven demanded as she pushed her fingers as far as she could inside B'Elanna.

B'Elanna was only too happy to oblige and soon her tongue was dueling with Seven's. "God, baby you're the best," B'Elanna panted once they broke apart.

As a reply, Seven curled her fingers a little to caress B'Elanna's g-spot.

"God yes!" B'Elanna moaned loudly as she threw her head back in ecstasy.

"Look around you," Seven whispered, letting her breath tickle B'Elanna's ear. "Can you see what the others are doing?"

Seven moved her thumb to B'Elanna's clit and moved it over the sensitive nub in pace with the slow pumping movement of her ring and middle finger. "Can you see how they are kissing? How they are sucking each other's breasts? Can you see how some are fucking each other, just like I am fucking you now?"

"Yes. Please baby." B'Elanna had no idea what she was begging for, she just hoped that whatever it was, Seven would give it to her.

"What are you looking at now?" Seven asked before she lowered her head and started to lick as much as she could of B'Elanna's still covered breasts.

"Baby... Please..."

"Tell me, or I will stop," Seven threatened. It was an empty threat; both of them knew that Seven wouldn't stop until B'Elanna had reached at least one orgasm.

"I... Oh god," B'Elanna interrupted herself when Seven once more started to caress her g-spot. "I... I can see right under that table there, and I can ssssee.... god, yes baby... I see how Zaki is being fucked by her Mate just as y... Oh, baby yes, please, rub my clit more."

B'Elanna's request was honored right away and with difficulty she continued. "Her Mate is fucking her, just like you're fucking me."

"Can you see everything?" Seven asked before she abandoned the valley of B'Elanna's breasts for the moment to start kissing, licking, and sucking the Klingon's throat.

"Yes. Please baby, f... faster. I need to come."

"Only if you keep talking. What can you see?"

"I can see her fingers moving in and out."

"How many fingers?"


"Three?" Seven removed her fingers from inside B'Elanna's warmth for a moment, only to re-enter her lover with three fingers. "Like this?"


"Is Zaki enjoying what her Mate is doing to her?"


"Are you close, B'Elanna? Do you want to come?"

"Yessss. God yes."

"I want you to do one more thing for me," Seven started to move her thumb faster over B'Elanna's hard nub, knowing that she would bring her lover to release in less than a minute. "Tell me, are there also people watching us? Is someone looking at how I fuck you?"

"Yes, s... several actually."

Seven laughed at that. "I am not surprised. You, in ecstasy, are a wonderful thing to see. Select one of them. Look her in the eyes; invite her to keep watching as I make you come. Allow her the privilege of seeing me make you come."

Seven was slightly surprised, but in a way also thrilled as she noticed that B'Elanna turned her head to the side. Seven was sure that her lover was looking at Dasia now.

"Come for me," Seven asked just before she kissed B'Elanna. She knew that her lover would come with a scream, and while she wanted people to watch, she didn't want everyone to turn to them.

B'Elanna screamed her release into her lover's mouth as her muscles clamped down on the fingers still inside her.

Seven left her fingers inside her lover for a moment while B'Elanna enjoyed her orgasm; knowing by now that the Klingon enjoyed the feeling of being filled as she came. She softly continued to move her thumb over B'Elanna's clit, prolonging her peak for a moment longer. Finally she stilled all of her movements and smiled at B'Elanna.

"Did you like having your fantasy fulfilled?" Seven asked before she reluctantly removed her hand and then not so reluctantly started to lick her fingers to clean off B'Elanna's essence.

B'Elanna looked over at Dasia once more, but saw that the woman now had her eyes closed as she was clearly enjoying a similar treatment from her Mate Gici as Seven had just given B'Elanna.

"I enjoyed that very much. There is just one problem with it; that wasn't my fantasy."

"It was not?" Seven asked surprised, but not at all sorry.

"No, my fantasy was me fucking you in front of others."

"Ah, I see." Seven thought about that for a moment before smiling. "Well, that is easily rectifiable. Fawza did tell me to expect some interesting kinds of eating today."

"Really now?" B'Elanna asked with a grin. "So, would you like it if I were to lay you on this table like a meal and start eating?"

Seven smiled at her lover, knowing that B'Elanna was only joking. "While I think I would enjoy that, I do not want to rob these women of their much needed table space; they need it for their food and drinks. However, I would not object at all if you were to do an up close and personal investigation to see if I was telling the truth when I told you that I am wearing the same underwear as I normally wear under my biosuit."

B'Elanna grinned at that. "Actually, baby, I would much rather get under this table and start eating your pussy."

"I rather prefer my way of stating what I would like you to do."

B'Elanna winked at her lover. "I know you do, but nice words won't get me under that table to do the dirty."

"B'Elanna, there is nothing 'dirty' about you making love to me."

"It's an expression, baby. From the time where talking about sex was considered a 'dirty' thing to do."

"I knew that," Seven stated with a smile.

"Alright, fine, it that's the way you want to be, see if I care."

Seven knew that B'Elanna was now playing her, just like Seven had played B'Elanna before. Seven had used tears, but that would just look strange if B'Elanna were to do it. Instead the Klingon was treating Seven with a dose of indifference.

Seven heard the soft moans beside her getting louder and knew that Dasia was getting close to an orgasm as well. The idea of being able to actually see the Regent made love to while she herself was being made love to, turned Seven on to the extreme. Seven kissed her lover before resulting to a direct approach; begging.

"B'Elanna, please. I need you to make love to me right now. Please fuck me."

B'Elanna's hearts actually skipped a beat when she heard Seven's plea and she was already moving off her seat and under the table before she knew it herself.

"Your wish is my command, my Princess," B'Elanna said as she moved between the blonde's spread legs. She could now see the blonde's sex, and it was very clear to B'Elanna that her lover was anticipating her touch. B'Elanna hooked her thumbs on the sides of Seven's skirt and moved it up, smiling when Seven lifted herself a little to enable B'Elanna to move the skirt up all the way. Her smile got wider when Seven sat back down in such a way that she was just barely sitting on the bench. Apparently Seven wanted B'Elanna to have all the room she needed.

"Kahless, baby you are so wet," B'Elanna said, knowing that despite the sound of the party and the sounds of pleasure around them, Seven would still be able to hear her. B'Elanna placed her hands on the insides of Seven's legs and leaned in. She first took some time to lick away her lover's excitement before finally following Seven's lips with the tip of her tongue.

Seven closed her eyes for a moment from the pleasure of feeling B'Elanna touching her in the most intimate of ways. But then she quickly opened her eyes again and looked to her side to see Dasia with her head back and one of her nipples firmly captured in Gici's mouth. She saw Gici looking at her and wink as she softly tugged on Dasia's nipple with her teeth, before removing her hand from between Dasia's legs and offered it to Dasia who gladly started to lick her own essence off the fingers.

Gici's eyes never left Seven's as she lowered her hand once more and slowly pushed two fingers inside Dasia. After a moment of slowly moving in and out, Seven saw her whispering something in Dasia's ear, and the next moment the regent opened her eyes and looked down.

Seven looked down as well, and noticed that she could see B'Elanna's head, and could also see what she was already feeling; all the wonderful things B'Elanna was doing to her with her tongue. There was no doubt in Seven's mind that Dasia and Gici could see the very same thing. Seven's eyes drifted to Dasia's for a moment, only to see that the regent's eyes were firmly glued between Seven's legs. Looking at Gici instead, Seven found the eye contact she was looking for. Their eyes locked and after a moment Gici smiled once more before again whispering something in Dasia's ear. This time Seven made an effort to hear the words, and what she heard made her moan softly.

"Look at Seven, my love. I want you to look her in the eyes and hold that contact. I want you to see how she reacts to her Mate loving her, and I want you to show her how you react to me loving you. I want you to keep looking at her. I want her to see your eyes when I make you come."

Seven saw Dasia's eyes focus on hers, and she was only too happy to return the gaze. After a moment of not really knowing how to react, they both smiled and continued to hold the gaze as their Mates continued to love them.

B'Elanna had no idea of what was going on above her; all she knew was that she was doing what she loved to do; love Seven. She placed a soft kiss on Seven's clit. She loved to kiss Seven like that. Hell, she loved to kiss Seven in any way. Then she moved down a little and licked over Seven's sex with one broad stroke of her tongue, smiling when she felt Seven jump a little at the contact.

Suddenly she felt Seven's hand on her head, guiding her to where Seven wanted her. B'Elanna smiled before happily sucking Seven's clit into her mouth and closing her lips around it. She flicked her tongue across the sensitive nub with a rapid, but soft touch. She knew that now was not the time to take things slow.

After a moment of making love to Seven like this, B'Elanna finally let go of Seven's clit with a soft pop. She trailed her tongue down and up her lover's inner lips for a moment before starting to circle her opening a couple of times. B'Elanna knew what Seven wanted, needed. She could feel the blonde's muscles jump under her tongue; clamping and releasing in the irregular pattern of lust. She poised the tip of her tongue at Seven's opening and waited.

Seven's breathing was quickly becoming irregular, it was clear to her that B'Elanna was not taking her time this time, and that was fine with her. She was so worked up at the moment that fast really was her preference. While holding Dasia's gaze, she could still see the woman's fingers moving in and out of the regent's sex with a slowly, but surely, increasing speed. She felt how B'Elanna was about to enter her with her tongue and all of a sudden... nothing.

Seven looked down only to see B'Elanna looking up, her tongue extended as far as she could and ready to enter her lover. They looked at each other for a moment before Seven finally understood what the Klingon was waiting for. She placed her hand on B'Elanna's head and slowly pulled her closer, pushing her extended tongue in at the same time. Seven moaned at the erotic feeling of having her lover slide in at the exact pace that Seven herself was setting.

She looked back at Dasia and saw that Gici had stopped her movements and both of them were looking at the erotic scene of B'Elanna slowly sliding into Seven. Seven pulled B'Elanna as close as she possibly could before pushing her away a little until B'Elanna's tongue was once again waiting at Seven's opening. All three women were waiting for Seven to move B'Elanna closer once more, but she didn't. Instead she spoke up.

"If you want to watch, you have to give me something to watch as well." Seven's eyes drifted to Dasia's sex to indicate to the two Zamonan what she was talking about.

Gici grinned a little sheepishly and once again entered her lover. "Sorry, I was a little distracted."

Hearing what Seven said, B'Elanna looked up to see three set's of eyes looking down at her. Surprised, but thrilled at the close scrutiny, B'Elanna flicked her tongue a few times to let Seven know that it was up to the blonde to set a pace. Seven smiled down at her before pulling her close once more. Soon they had established a rhythm with Seven guiding B'Elanna's head back and forth, and by that her tongue in and out. Seven had to admit that it actually felt a little strange to have B'Elanna enter her like this; strange but good. She knew that the sexual pleasure she was feeling wasn't really coming from the penetration, but more from the fact that while B'Elanna was making love to Seven, B'Elanna was still the one fully giving herself to her lover.

"Fuck me," Seven pleaded when the need for release was getting too big to hold off much longer.

When hearing the simple two word plea, B'Elanna took over once more. She moved back to Seven's clit and started to swirl her tongue around it while pushing one of her thumbs into Seven's tight opening. She moved it in and out a couple of times to make sure it was firmly covered with Seven's moisture before lowering it to Seven's puckered opening and slowly pushing inside.

"Yesss," Seven moaned as she felt B'Elanna start to move her thumb in and out of her in tune with the strokes of her tongue across her clit.

Knowing that her lover was close, B'Elanna sped up her movements. She sucked Seven's clit into her mouth and flicked her tongue across it as fast as she could. Knowing that it was only a matter of seconds now, B'Elanna looked up; wanting to see her lover's face when she came. What she saw was Dasia and Seven looking at each other, both of them breathing hard, both of them obviously mere moments from orgasm. She sucked on Seven's clit as hard as she could before suddenly letting it go and starting to lick it with long strokes. On the fifth pass over Seven's hyper-sensitive flesh, she felt her lover shake as her orgasm shot through her.

B'Elanna heard a soft moan coming from Seven, and a split second later a louder moan from Dasia. B'Elanna stayed between Seven's legs for a while longer. First to bring her lover down from her peak: then to clean away all traces of her release, and finally simply because she could. For a few minutes she simply sat and randomly placed soft kisses from thigh to thigh, with every second kiss being placed somewhere on Seven's center.

Seven could see Dasia and her Mate looking at each other in a way that made it very clear that they were 'discussing' something without actually speaking. Finally they seemed to have reached some kind of agreement and Dasia spoke up.


H.W.'s Scrolls
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