~ Captive Hearts ~
by Anita Louise
Copyright Anita Louise

See Chapter 1 for author's notes.

Chapter 16

Deanna Burgess sit behind her desk, she was foraging through a pile of files that set waiting for her to check. It was hard to concentrate on work when she had just walked away from a moment in her life that would chew at her soul forever. Cursing as she picked up Tara Coltrane's file, she spat, "You pushed to far, you and your red headed friend."

There was a knock at the door to her office as she looked up calling out, "Who is it?"

"Its deputy Sparks, Sheriff you wanted to see me?"

Holding onto the folder she replied, "Come in. Yes, I did ask to see you."

Deputy Judith Sparks entered the room with a look of terror on her face. The woman's brown eyes darted around the area before setting upon Sheriff Burgess. She began to fidget nervously with her fingers. The silence in the room was worse than a canon going off as the two women stared at each other.

Sheriff Burgess pointed to a leather chair that set near her desk and said, "Sit. I am sure you know by now we need to talk."

Following the Sheriff's request, she sat but stayed erect as if any minute a bomb might go off.

Releasing the file in her hand, Sheriff Burgess stood and walked to the door, opened it and peeked out before closing it. Turning and walking to where deputy Sparks was sitting she took a deep breath then asked, "Have you told anyone about what happened back there?"

Shaking her head the dark haired woman replied, "No. But I am sure deputy Kroger must wonder what the woman was doing on the floor, unconscious and no clothes."

Clearing her throat Sheriff Burgess walked past the woman, turned and sat on the edge of her desk. She looked very casual, as if there was nothing out of place until she said, "Best you and Kroger keep your mouths shut. Whatever you think makes no difference, but if anyone suspected or knew, the two of you would be named accomplices. So it is better for all of us, nothing happened out of the ordinary. Am I making myself clear?"

Feeling like a mouse about to have a trap sprung on them, deputy Sparks swallowed, and mumbled, "Y… Yes."

"Good. I want any thing that might be left in room two, disposed of. Clothes etc., I do not want any thing lying around that can come back and bite us in the butt. I have made a few calls and Coltrane will not be around here for long. Until then, make sure she stays where she is. Feed her well and make sure you put some of this in the food." She held out a small bottle.

"What is it?"

"One day you will get too curious for your own good. Just do it. A few drops will not be tasted but it will have a good effect."

Finding strength from somewhere in her psyche, Deputy Sparks stood and said, "I will not be an accomplice in the woman's murder."

Sheriff Burgess threw back her head and laughed. "No murder deputy, just a relaxant. Keep the prisoner from causing a disturbance as you well know she and Richmond are very devious and this way she will stay calm."

Taking the small bottle of liquid, deputy Sparks said, "I'll do it, but the woman had better stay alive."

"She will. Now about Richmond I need to pay her a visit."

The woman began to fumble with the bottle in her hand and the Sheriff asked, "What now?"

"It is just; the prisoner has never woken up."

Sheriff Burgess's face turned ashen as she stood and said, "Take me to her! What is wrong with you people, woman had a head injury, someone should have been monitoring her."

The minute she walked into the room and spied Skylar Richmond laying and looking like she was sleeping Sheriff Burgess stared at deputy Sparks and said, "I am going to check her vitals, you stand watch. If she is playing I want you to shoot before she gets one hand on my body, understood?"

Nodding deputy Sparks took out her revolver and held it at ready while she watched the sheriff approach the prisoner.

Deanna Burgess stared at the pale face of the woman that had showed such amazing action and daring, at that moment Skylar Richmond did not look like she could swat a fly. After taking her vitals, she turned and said, "I need you to get deputy Kroger and take the prisoner to Doc Taylor. He knows about the head injury. Also be sure and tell him she is a prisoner and to use caution when treating her. I want to know what you find out ASAP."

Tara's body ached she had been doubling over with cramps; her mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what had happened. The last thing she recalled was talking to Bernie Herbella on the phone then nothing from that time to when she felt the water bring her back to the present. Her head hurt, and from the bump on the back of it, she knew all to well someone had hit her. However, where was Sky? Had she gone through the same thing? Was she all right?

The movement of the door brought her back to the moment as she stood and readied for action. As the door opened a short way, she saw Deputy Sparks's face. The woman was holding a tray of food and a beverage. "Thought you might be hungry and thirsty."

Tara started to walk toward the woman only to see another guard standing behind holding a revolver and it was pointing at her. Stopping she said, "I want to know where Skylar Richmond is, and if she is all right? I also want to call my lawyer."

Shrugging deputy Sparks set the tray and beverage down before saying, "Have no idea and about the lawyer that is up to the Sheriff."

"I have my rights and you can't hold me like this I am entitled a phone call."

"You and many others. All I can say is Sheriff will get to you when she can. Eat, nothing else to do in there." Quickly moving out and closing the door deputy Sparks fell back against it. "Sheriff can't keep her locked up in there for long, I see it in her eyes, first chance she gets this prisoner will be out and looking for answers."

"Not our problem, lets get back to our stations."

Picking up her step, she soon caught up with the other deputy and did her best to forget the prisoner.

It was around one in the afternoon when a state police car pulled up near the Sheriff's office this followed by a jeep wrangler. Once parked a tall man dressed in a State Police uniform walked to the man and woman in the jeep. "Here we are, you two ready to free your friends?"

Bernie Herbella smiled and nodded as Barbara Johnson said, "Yes, oh Yes."

When the three of them walked into the Sheriff's office, everyone stopped what they where doing and froze. The tall, blond, blue-eyed man dressed in uniform walked toward one of the deputies and asked, "Where is Sheriff Burgess?"

They all looked at one another and shook their heads.

Barbara Johnson walked toward one of the deputies and said, "We know they are here. I suggest someone conjure up the Sheriff pronto."

Brad Holden gazed around the room; he was agitated, and said, "In about twenty minutes this place is going to be filled with state troopers. I suggest someone start talking and about now."

Silence was all that permeated the air. The man paced the room and said, "Anyone here want to go against the State Police, if so, you should know that the FBI has also been contacted and they are sending agents as I speak. About time someone steps forward and leads us to Skylar Richmond and Tara Coltrane."

It was at this time; Sheriff Deanna Burgess stepped into the room. She stopped and stared at the three that dared to enter her office as if they were some sort of God. "What can I do for you Captain?"

The three turned to gaze into the eyes of Sheriff Burgess, who was definitely not intimidated by them. Captain Brad Holden spoke with authority, "I am here to secure the release of Tara Coltrane and Skylar Richmond. These two should not have been incarcerated."

"Now really Captain, where did you get your information? Yes, Miss. Richmond and Miss. Coltrane were arrested but since have managed to escape."

Barbara's mouth fell open and Bernie Herbella's eyes almost popped from his head in surprise. "You're not going to believe her are you Captain?" The two spout at the same time.

He gave the two a look then turned his attention back to Sheriff Burgess. "Like I just told your deputies, the FBI will be here soon as will a lot of State Troopers so best you cough them up now because we will find them."

Deanna Burgess was like a porcupine that was backed into a corner; all her bristles were at full throttle. The woman seethed, "There will not be any need to do this Captain, take a look, they are not here."

Barbara glowered at the woman and said, "I, we talked to them and they are here, they also told us what you have been doing. This time Sheriff Burgess you are not going to get away with things."

Captain Holden turned to stare at Barbara and Bernie before saying, "Maybe it will be best if you two go back to the jeep, let me handle this."

"Not on your life Captain, this is personal." Bernie Herbella stood with his hands on his hips and stared coldly at Sheriff Burgess.

The woman stepped back and said, "We have nothing to hide, take a look. I admit they were here, and arrested with substantial charges but they did escape."

"Sounds a bit fishy Sheriff. I will take a look; these two can come with me while I do."

She stepped in front of Barbara and Bernie and said, "No! Unless you have a search warrant in your hands the two of you are not looking at anything."

Bernie started to object but Captain Holden reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe it is best you two stay out here, keep an eye on them. I will do a quick reconnaissance. The rest of the team will make it thorough when they get here."

Barbara walked to a chair and sit, followed by Bernie who was muttering to himself. Once seated she said, "They were here, if they are not now, that bitch has done damage to them."

He patted her right hand and said, "Let's not go there. We both know them, they are strong women, and they were free when they made the call, maybe they did escape. But if they did, this office sure did not seem like they were doing anything to capture them again."

Later when Captain Holden appeared, again he had a look of disappointment on his face. Bernie and Barbara dashed toward the man. "What did you find?"

He sighed, "Nothing. They were here, their evidence bags are still here. However, they are nowhere to be found. Anyway, I did a good search and got nothing. The team will do a better one, and when the FBI arrives they will make sure everything is done to assure Sky and Tara are safe."

Barbara groaned, "If they can't be found it would be hard to assure anything. I would like to take the Sheriff behind the shed for awhile."

Captain Holden smiled and said, "Not a good idea this woman has so many tricks up her sleeve, it is best to let others handle her. Have to say though if Skylar is anything like you, she has a lot of fire within."

Bernie Herbella said, "Don't' count Tara Coltrane out Captain; she is a woman that has stared down armies. Both are very capable of handling things."

"I am going to ask the two of you to go back to headquarters or find someplace else for awhile this is going to take some time. I will call you when we are though."

Once outside the building, Bernie turned to Barbara and said, "I think I will take a run out to the cabin, they might be there."

Barbara gazed into his worried eyes and asked, "Do you think they are there?"

"Don't know but it beats standing around here. Let's go."

Barbara stood back and said, "I think I will stay here. Walk over to Belle's Tavern get a drink maybe talk to a few people. Meet me back there when you are finished. Oh and if you do find them, call me."

He nodded and said, "Will do. You take care; this is definitely not the friendliest of towns. Same for me though if you find them call me."

She nodded and smiled saying, "Be careful."

Walking from outside to the inside of Belle's Tavern was like night and day. The interior was dimly lit and there were few people inside. She gazed around the room trying to adjust her eyes, nothing would have made her happier than to see two statuesque women standing at the bar and enjoying a drink but it was obvious Sky nor Tara were there.

"Dog Gone machine what did I ever do to you."

It was not really a question but more like someone exasperated. Did not take long to see the form of a woman on her knees working around the jukebox. She was thinner but the flaxen hair and the voice was definitely a reason to walk toward her. As she neared, it was obvious something was not obliging the woman so Barbara asked, "Need a hand?"

Turning to look at where the words came from the woman was at loss for words. Barbara dropped to her knees and once again offered, "I am pretty good with my hands so tell me how I can help." She reached out and added, "Barbara Johnson and I hope you are Belle Gardner."

The kindly woman grasped her hand in a firm shake and smiled, "At your service." Then she sat and stared.

Barbara joined her and soon was sitting beside Belle Gardner. She wondered why meeting this very fascinating woman had taken so long. "You have a nice place, a bit rustic but sure does have an ambiance. I have heard some really great stories that have to do with this place."

Belle reached up and brushed several strands of hair from off her forehead then replied, "Glad you like it. Must be a far cry from Los Angeles and the night spots there."

Barbara's grey-blue eyes sparkled as she smiled and replied, "You've seen one you have seen them all. However, you are right; this is very different from LA. What are you giving the box such a hard time about?"

Belle looked at the jukebox then back at the woman and said, "Fixed the record selection, just need to plug it back in and turn it on. It is a bit heavy and awkward, but I will get it done."

Leaning back on her hands, Barbara stretched then offered, "I'd be happy to take a look?"

Belle felt a giggle rising and did her best to stifle it before she said, "Doubt you have ever seen one of these. And you have such delicate hands; I would hate to see them get injured."

"Wow! You are just as hardheaded as a few other people I know. Do not let the hands fool you, they can do a lot and I am not just talking about type."

"Oh I know, Bobie has mentioned you go with Sky from time to time on business trips. It is good she has someone that knows all the ins and outs of the business and can help her when she needs this."

"By the way, have you seen Sky, Tara or Bobie lately?"

Belle shook her head and said, "Not for some time, last I saw Sky she and I had scouted the Trenton place and Bernie Herbella delivered a letter saying he had hired Tara Coltrane to help. Sky didn't seem too happy about it."

"Lot has happened since then. You take a breather, I'll take a look at the box and then we can have a nice talk, how about that?"

Nodding, Belle replied, "Sounds good to me, I am just at my wits end. Just don't you go getting hurt, might damage those expensive looking threads you are wearing."

Barbara glanced at the grey slacks, turquoise tank and said, "Whatever gave you the idea these are expensive? Came from K-mart."

"Oh sure, and mine came from Armani." Belle chuckled and got to her feet. "Like I said, don't go get hurt, Sky will have my hide. I'll go get us a couple of cold beers, if that is all right with you."

"Sounds wonderful. And Belle, it is good to finally have some one and one time with you."

Smiling Belle turned and walked toward the bar. Barbara Johnson was a lovely woman and she could see just how easily she would fit into Sky and Barbara's life at Global.

Once she was behind the counter, she began to watch the woman move about. Smiling to herself, she would have made a bet the jukebox was just about to find out who its boss was. The woman moved with ease, her slender fingers seemed to be adapting at what she was doing.

Making a guess, Belle thought she was probably about five six barefoot. The clothes she wore fit well, they were not loose nor were they tight the woman had an air about her she had only seen a few times and she definitely did not belong in Springfield.

"Where have you gone Bell? And who is she?"

Belle Turned to see Penny standing near the counter. "She is a friend of Sky and Bobie. Caught me on my knees trying to finish up with the jukebox. Offered to help and I said all right. I take it you are here for your pay?"

The woman nodded while taking another look at a very exquisite looking woman giving the jukebox a solid tug. "Wouldn't think she had that much strength just by looking at her. Since you got involved with Jeanne, your friends seem to come from a higher echelon."

Looking into Penny's eyes Belle smiled and said, "Why would you say that? Penny they are nice people. I like all my friends and certainly do not shut out any."

The woman shrugged then asked, "Check, is it ready?"

"Sure is, give me a sec to get it." She turned and went to the back room leaving Penny gazing at Barbara Johnson.
Returning in a very short time, Belle handed the check to Penny and said, "I really appreciate you taking care of the place when I was gone."

"Glad to help. I have a few errands to do, but if you need anything do not hesitate to call." Her eyes darted to the woman and the jukebox then back to Belle adding, "That is if you need anyone else."

Belle reached out, placed a hand on the woman's right shoulder, and said, "She is looking for Sky, she works with Sky, she is Sky's friend and I am being cordial. Now scat with you and let me get on with my business."

The two parted ways with a hug and after Penny was gone, Belle walked toward Barbara Johnson who was standing giving the jukebox the evil eye. "How is it going?"

Barbara reached up to brush beads of perspiration off her forehead and replied, "It is a bugger. I have moved it out a little but still cannot get it connected. Give me a hand, you take the other side and we should be able to do this."

Once they had it moved and turned back on, Belle wanted to check out the music, make sure it was loading, as it should. One was not working as it should and this meant she was going to have to go back in and fix a few things. Turning to Barbara who now stood with a look of despair on her face she said, "Looks like it will take a bit longer. Let's put it back against the wall but first disconnect and go have that drink."

"Sounds wonderful. Sorry I was no help."

Grinning as they put the jukebox in place Belle replied, "You have been a great help."

"No need to say that, I did very little."

Belle approached the woman, reached out and grasped her hands then said, "Wrists are red and scraped, I have never seen anyone move the thing like you did, so feel good about that. After all it is not a computer."

"Those are fighting words, Belle Gardner; do you think all I can do is run a computer?" The twinkle in her eyes was a tell tale sign the woman was teasing.

"Nope, know you can do a lot of things. Just want you to also know I appreciate your giving it a go."

"Thanks. Lead on, I am looking forward to a nice cold drink, little hot at the moment."

Belle walked to the counter then went behind and soon came out with two very cold bottles of beer, one in each hand. "Didn't ask, do you drink beer?"

"If it is cold, you bet."

Soon the two were sitting at a table having several cold ones and talking as if they were old friends. Belle mentioned Penny White had told her some about what was going on and Barbara filled her in on the rest. When she was finished, Belle stood and began to pace the floor all the while muttering under her breath.

Barbara watched the woman and knew Belle Gardner was truly a good friend of Sky and Bobie. She played with the beer bottle rolling it back and forth between the palms of her hands before finally getting up and walking toward the irate woman who might have been doing some sort of war chant for all she knew.

Belle saw the woman out of the corner of one eye and stopped pacing then turned to face her. "What? Am I not allowed to pace in my own place?"

Barbara glanced back at the empty beer bottles on the table then back to Belle Gardner. "I am now concerned about you, come back and sit this is getting you nowhere."

Seething Belle stammered, "I am letting off steam, even boilers have to do this from time to time."

Barbara reached out and placed her left hand on Belle's and said, "You are right, I have been doing by own boiling for awhile, it is getting me nowhere only headaches and lots of stress. Come back to the table and let's talk strategy."

Surprised at the woman's touch and her words, Belle nodded saying, "All right, it just hurts so much not knowing where they are or how they are."

"I understand, for I feel the same."

The two walked back to the table to do exactly that, strategize.

Feeling like she had been drugged Sky slowly opened her eyes, the pulse in her head beat like someone was playing drums in it and her body ached in so many places she wasn't sure where it began and stopped. Everything was coming back to her as she lunged upward only to find out her arms were in restraints. Focusing on them, she could see they had been strapped down, it was then she realized she was also in bed, "Someone get me out of here!" Her cry was loud enough to wake a hibernating bear. Did not take long to see Doc Taylor enter the room. She tried to smile and muttered, "Doc, I'm so glad to see you. Is Tara here too? And why am I tied down?"

He approached the bed, took her pulse then replied, "No, Miss Coltrane is not here. You are restrained because of your injury."

"I'm fine, let me go. I need to get to Tara."

He pursed his lips before replying, "I think that will be difficult, she is gone."

Sky's emerald green eyes widened and she gasped, "Gone? No. Tell me she is not dead?"

He took the stethoscope that was hanging precariously off one shoulder and said, "Need to listen to your heart, try and be still."

She did just the opposite and became very agitated, "Heart is fine. Head is something else. I need to know, where is Tara and how did I get here?"

He looked back at the door to the room and said, "You were brought here by several of the Sheriff's deputies, you are still in their hands. From what I gathered, you passed out."

"Oh no! God no! I didn't do it again, tell me Doc, I didn't cause harm to Tara and myself?"

He admired Skylar Richmond and the people she had around her, the woman was not only beautiful but also smart and most of all caring. "I hate to be the one to say this but you did pass out and it gave the Sheriff the opportunity to turn the tables on you and Miss Coltrane. And before you ask, I have no idea where she is."

Straining at her ties Sky urged, "Release me, they do not have to know, let me go I need to find Tara."

Doc Taylor reached out and pressed a hand to her left shoulder then said, "You need to get a grip. There is a guard not far from this room. Let me do what I do best and that is to get you well. They should have taken you to the hospital but Sheriff Burgess would have none of that so here you are with me."

Sky laid her head back onto the pillow and sighed, "All right, do it, whatever it takes to get me back on my feet."

He smiled and patted her shoulder saying, "Good. I want to start you on some medication that will help."

"Help what?"

"The passing out. I did a scan when you first came in and you have a lot of edema near the brain. First thing is to get this down, then go on from there."

"I see the way you are looking at me Doc, I know what edema is and it is not a good thing to have, especially when it comes to the brain."

"It can cause a lot of serious problems many places in one's body but you are right, the brain is one to be cautious of when it comes to this."

"The bullet is what has caused this?"

He nodded and said, "Actually just a smidgeon difference in projectile and contact you would not be talking to me right now. So I am glad you have agreed to let me help."

She closed her eyes and said, "I have such a headache and still a bit dizzy, bring on the medicine, I need to get back on my feet."

He shook his head in amazement at the woman before saying, "I will be back soon, and we can begin, take this time to try and relax, doesn't help when the body is so stressed."

Sky called out, "You know don't you?"

He turned and raised a skeptical eyebrow before asking, "What?"

"You know about Bobie."

He nodded and said, "I loved that young woman, she was like the spirit of the wind when she rode, I know that Max Fletcher has to be devastated and you too Miss Richmond. Just stop and remember her as she was, and all the good times you had. This may help some but I also know that the feeling of loss is never really gone." After those words, he left the room.

The woman tossed and turned as if in the throes of some evil menace that seemed to be surrounding her. She woke screaming with the look of terror covering her face like the darkness of night. Tara Coltrane moved slowly, her head ached and she felt a disgusting taste in her mouth as she spat and wiped the tanginess away. Slowly sitting, she gazed around the room; and could see it was not the cell she had been in before. This looked to be made of concrete; there was a small window near the top that also had three metal bars crossing it. For a second she felt like a bird in a cage then realized this was worse than a birdcage, at least they can see out and flit about, this place was tight, and it was obvious it would take more than her strength to get out.

Moreover, at that moment Tara Coltrane did not feel too strong, actually she was feeling very weak. Spying a small sink she stumbled over to it and turned the water on, cupping it in her hands, she drank as if she had been stranded in the desert. After relishing the water, she let it fall into her hands splashing it onto her face and enjoyed the refreshing feeling.

Her mind was going a mile a minute as she surveyed the area; there was a commode, roll of TP and the small bunk she had been laying on. There was nothing to give her any clue as to where she was.

Walking to the wooden door, she began to hammer on it with her fist and yelled, "Burgess! Get me out of here! I want to call my lawyer now!" There was no reply but she kept banging on the door. When it finally opened, her eyes grew wide when she saw the two men in uniform, both carrying rifles.

"You are a prisoner, you have no wants, the only want will be what we want, understand!" The man poked the other in the side and they both laughed.

"Where is the Sheriff? Where is Skylar Richmond?"

"You ask too many questions for what was a sleeping beauty. The only thing you need to know is you are prisoner, nothing else."

"I want to talk to whoever is in charge now."

He reached up and smoothed the hair down over his upper lip making what the man thought a good-looking moustache better, before the end of his rifle made contact with her stomach sending Tara to her knees. Reaching down he grabbed a handful of hair and growled, "This is what you are in for, if you keep making demands." She felt his right boot make contact and went over backwards.

The two men stared at the woman for a few minutes then laughed, closed the door and left.

Tara crawled to the door hitting at it with her right hand she softly cried, "Sky. . ."



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