~ Captive Hearts ~
by Anita Louise
Copyright Anita Louise

See Chapter 1 for author's notes.

Chapter 17

Deanna Burgess was livid as she sit back and watched the teams of FBI and State Troopers go through her office as if they owned it. They were leaving nothing untouched. And soon would be taking the deputies as well as her into separate rooms for interrogation.

Huffing under her breath, she muttered, "How dare they do this to me." Upon realizing, she had spoken even if not loudly she quickly glanced around the room to make sure no one heard what she said. They were too busy giving orders and getting in each other's way, for that she was thankful but still begrudged them taking over as they did.

She had been giving Deputy Sparks the evil eye every chance she got. If the woman would give her up things would be very bad. Course she also knew if Judith Sparks did this, she too would be facing jail time. Therefore, odds were in her favor at least for the time being. Out of the corner of her left eye, she noticed the form of a woman pacing near the front door. Taking several steps, she walked outside to meet the woman and asked, "What brings you here? This is a far cry from home."

Alice looked at her then tried to see what was going on in the office before she said, "What is going on in there? Looks like a lot of police."

Shrugging, Deanna replied, "Just routine. Nothing that concerns you but I have to admit I am curious as to why you are pacing in front of my office. Can I help you with something?"

Alice thought for a few minutes then replied, "I need to speak to Skylar Richmond, heard she was here."

Deanna looked surprised but said, "She is busy at the moment. I can take a message to her if you wish."

Thinking about it she began to walk away but changed her mind and turned saying, "Yes, I come with a message for her. Please let Skylar know that Bobie Parker is alive."

Deanna almost choked and tried to catch her breath. "What? How do you know?"

"I have spoken to her and she asked me to tell Sky she was alive and where she was."

Realizing she had been caught off guard the woman straightened up and said, "I will give her the message. Just where did you see Bobie Parker?"

After the woman told her all she knew, Deanna thanked Alice for coming forward. She watched her walk away then walked back into the office with a smug look on her face.

Once the officials were through going through everything, each person was called into separate rooms to be interrogated. Deanna Burgess and Deputy Sparks were the last ones to be called. As they neared the separate interrogation rooms, both shot looks back and forth before they went in.

Brad Holden watched as the two women were questioned, both seemed to be telling the truth, though Deputy Sparks kept fidgeting, he chalked it up to what was going on. No one wants to be interrogated, and the way they all swooped down on this office would certainly peak a few nerves and cause stress. It was hard to separate this from perhaps hidden meanings.

When Sheriff Burgess walked from the room she stopped and stared steadily into Brad Holden's eyes and said, "You have all had your play day at my expense, now can we get back to what was a normal office?"

He glanced at the FBI team then said, "They are just about wrapped up. There is no sign of Richmond or Coltrane and at this moment, we have to take your word that they escaped as gospel. Just let me say if you did not have that account by Dete Fletcher and the charges, I would have arrested you for detaining people without cause. However if this blows up in your face, do not think I will not be back. If I were you Sheriff, I would walk on egg shells until the whereabouts of these two is known." And with a stern look, he added, "In so far as the capture and confinement of Richmond and Coltrane, we will do the follow up. You and your people are to stay out of it, is that clear?"

"I read you loud and clear Captain. They are all yours. But don't think you will just walk up to them, these two fight like a tornado on a set path."

He motioned to his team and said, "Let's go, nothing else here to do."

Soon the FBI team followed him and when the last person left the room it was silent but not for long. The deputies began to chatter back and forth, each trying to talk above the other that is when Deanna Burgess shouted, "Enough!" They all turned to stare at the woman as she continued, "You have now seen how the State Police and FBI can walk in, take over at a moments notice. Let us all get back to work, get this place back in shape. That is an order."

Immediately people scrambled and as Deputy Sparks walked past Deanna Burgess she reached out and grasped her right arm saying, "Not you Deputy, I need you to go with me on a special mission."

Not wanting to go with the Sheriff, Deputy Sparks did her best to change the woman's mind but Sheriff Burgess was not an easy person to sidetrack and soon they were in a police car on their way to Max Fletcher's stables.

Silence was golden for Judith Sparks, if she didn't have to hear Deanna Burgess's dribble for a while she was happy. When the stables finally came into view, she stopped the car. Sheriff Burgess had been nodding off and on but when the car came to a stop, she woke. "Why are you stopping? Are we there?"

"I stopped because, well, I didn't know if you wanted to go on or not."

"What a stupid thing to say, of course I . . ."

"That's what I thought Sheriff, seems the State Police got here first."

"Damn! Just like Holden to put his foot into something that is none of his business. You were right to stop; I don't want him connecting me to Dete. Turn the car around; let's get back to the office."

"Do you think Dete Fletcher will stand by the charges he made?"

"He had better. If he doesn't, he will find himself in jail."

Barbara and Belle were standing surveying the destruction of what once was the Trenton homestead. Both seemed to be at a loss for words. The burnt smell still lingered in the air and a coyote scampering across the dirt road momentarily took their eyes away from the site. It stopped and looked both ways then began its trek once more, all the while totally ignoring the two women.

Belle grinned, "Guess it has other things on its mind."

Barbara raised both eyebrows and said, "Thank goodness, I for one am no animal wrangler."

Giggling Belle replied, "It's easy, just take out a vittle and even a coyote will chose it over you."

"Cute. Belle Gardner, its not every day a person carries vittles around with them. You are too much."

"Really? I have done my best to lose a few pounds."

Barbara could tell by the look on her face she was teasing and said, "You know what I mean. How about if I said, you amaze me Belle Gardner?"

Tipping her head to the right, her eyes seeming to twinkle she said, "You got me. Yup, I was funning. Not sure amazing is me though. What do you want to do now?"

Gazing around the entire area, Barbara sighed, "Have heard about this place, however, nothing beats actually being in the area. It is creepy."

"Sure is, but having the Trenton group living here made it even more so."

Barbara looked at Belle's pickup then back to the woman and asked, "How about some rummaging?"

"In that? Nothing there but burnt offerings. As you can see, the place was blown all over the area. Sides, Trenton does not live here anymore. Moreover, cannot unless she rebuilds, odds are this will not take place. Woman is a wanted escapee."

"This is where Sky was shot. Seems to me, Sheriff Burgess and others were still using this place for their own skullduggery."

"Won't be anymore. Come on let's go, there is nothing here. No Sky, no Tara, just remains of what was."

Barbara was walking toward the devastation and kept kicking her right leg outward. Belle smiled and hurried to catch up with the woman. "Those new jeans are a bit stiff I take it?"

Stopping, Barbara stared at Belle Gardner; the woman had a mischievous way but at the same time, she was extremely smart. "Nothing gets past you does it? I am doing my best but, yes, these are a bit stiff."

"Not stiff, just you are not used to wearing them; more used to the soft elegant clothes you were wearing."

Raising her right hand, she placed her palm over her heart and said, "You got me right there, and it hurt."

"Sorry about that, but there is a big difference in feel." Her eyes widened as she added, "Oops, I walked into that one too didn't I?"

"You did and if I were Jeanne, lots of things could be said about that."

Belle looked down as a forlorn look came over her face. This did not go unnoticed by Barbara. "Are you and Jeanne all right? Did I just put my foot in my mouth?"

"It's all right. Jeanne and I are fine."

"Then why do you look so down?"

"I was thinking about Bobie, Sky and Tara. A lot has happened, it tears at my heart."

Reaching out to put a comforting hand on the woman's left shoulder; Barbara spoke softly, "I was saddened to hear about Bobie, the two never really got a good start at life together. I know you feel deeply about this. She was a very good friend too."

Tears formed in her crystal blue eyes as she tried to brush them away saying, "Not 'was', she is. Bobie will always be with me in some way and I know that Sky feels the same."

"It is a tragic loss to many. I did not know her as well as Sky but the little I did, it was obvious she was not only beautiful but loved Skylar deeply. It was nice to see Sky settle down and actually find happiness. I wish we knew where Sky and Tara have taken off."

"Me too. What did Bernie say when you talked with him by phone?"

"That there was no sign of the two at the cabin. He is going back to State Police headquarters. Felt this would be the best place to get word of the two. Oh and he wished us luck."

"Luck would be nice. But as you can see there is nothing here."

"Would you mind if I just looked around a bit?"

Belle pointed to the ruins and said, "Be my guest. But be forewarned you might get dirty."

"Wow! You must really think of me as some sort of diva. I will tell you Belle Gardner I can get down and dirty with the best of them. You don't travel with Skylar Richmond on some of her journeys and walk away as if nothing has touched you."

Belle smiled and said, "Sorry, it's a habit, not used to refined city folks, walking around and acting like me."

"Come now Belle I know you can be very elegant. After all, Jeanne Randolph has held your hand at many functions. The woman is delighted too show you off, she wants everyone to know how much you light up her life."

"It is my turn to say, wow! Gee, I didn't know you knew that much about me."

"Even in large cities, people talk, it is not just small towns. Course in large cities most care less what one does. I do think small towns are a lot different."

"You got that right. At least about the small towns. Still I love this place, but not all the bad that seems to be happening."

"Then let's take a walk through the ruins, give me a chance to check a few things."

"Lead on, I'm right behind you." Belle chuckled then added, "If a creature pops up, I will also be the first one leaving dust behind."

Calling back, Barbara replied, "Doubt that, but might be a good idea, I don't want you getting hurt because of my curiosity."

Belle ran to catch up to the woman and as she walked beside her said, "You knew I would not run, you knew I would stand and fight didn't you?"

"Not really but if I had to bet my life on it, I would say you would stand and fight if at all possible."

The second they approached the burnt out building, Barbara began moving and sifting through the wreckage. Belle watched and finally asked, "Want to tell me what you are looking for, I would like to help?"

Standing and stretching Barbara replied, "Anything out of the ordinary. You know something that is not burned even fresh tracks."

"Kay but still not sure what I am looking for." Belle began to sift through the wreckage. Finally when they were on opposite ends of the debris, Belle called out, "Bout ready to give up, nothing here but ashes and charred items. These latex gloves are getting mighty dirty."

Throwing up her arms in defeat, Barbara replied, "You're right. Thought I would give it a go. Never know what still might be salvageable. Guess we should head back before it gets dark. Hate to think of being stranded out here with the blackness of night closing in and all the ghosts and goblins of the area out and about."

Making her way back to where Barbara stood, Belle grinned and said, "Don't tell me a woman that has done battle with Skylar Richmond against unknown enemies at times is afraid of a few ghosts and goblins."

"Don't tell Sky and I won't either. To tell you the truth, its not ghosts and goblins, it is the creepiness of this area. Heaven above, take those rock formations you call Spider Rock or Wolf Mountain, way creepy."

Belle scrunched her eyes then said, "Wait till I tell you the stories that go with them, creepy will be mild."

Standing and doing her best not to glance around but doing it she replied, "If you don't mind, I'd just as soon you keep that to yourself. At least till we get far away from this God Forsaken place."

Belle stopped when she was within a few feet of Barbara and said, "I admit it is a bit on the wild side but it still does draw the tourist and even some people from town. Once you get past all this, it really is a beautiful scenic area. I am ready to go when you are."

The almost grin did not go unnoticed as Barbara cocked her head to the side and asked, "What has your funny bone doing flips?"

"Uh--err--flips? I think you have been sniffing too many burnt fumes."

"Why? Are you telling me you were not about to chuckle a few minutes ago? And since I am the only thing standing, besides you, I feel the chuckle was because of something I did."

Belle stepped forward pointed toward the woman's face and said, "It is just your nose."

Barbara reached up and touched her nose before asking, "What about my nose is it that you think is so funny?

Doubling over Belle began to giggle as she stammered, "Made it worse."

Barbara reached up with both hands and swiped at her nose only to see Belle get so jovial, she thought the woman might make a great Ms. Claus. "All right, enough tell me, has something landed there?"

Now standing and fighting back tears of joy, Belle replied, "You had a burnt remnant on the end of your nose, it was about to fall off. You reached up and instead of helping, you put more there and the piece I saw fell between your nose and lip. Kinda look like a female Buster Keaton but with a dirty face."

She looked at her hands and the latex gloves that adorned them and said, "Fine, you think you have gone unblemished Belle Gardner?"

"I think so, nothing on my face. Cept my boots and perhaps a bit on my pants but you . . ."

She never finished the words because Barbara had reached out and ran the palms of her hands down Belle's face making zebra patterns. "Now you do."

The woman's crystal blue eyes widened as she stood in shock and muttered, "Now you have gone and done it. I never touched you, you did it all yourself but this (she pointed to her own face) this you did and you will pay." She reached down, scooped up a handful of ashes, and headed for the woman who was backing up saying, "Now Belle, come on I didn't mean anything."

Before she knew it, the back of her boot hit a solid object sending her careening backwards at the same time she reached out and grabbed Belle's hand sending ashes flying all over. Both women landed with a thud. Barbara coughed and tried to clear her eyes so she could see. Meanwhile Belle was enjoying where she landed, and was in no hurry to get up. "All right woman, you win, I'm sorry for painting on your face, you could get up now."

Belle was lying on Barbara and looked like she was enjoying the position as she replied, "Not sure what you hit but it took you straight back and down, thank goodness I had a much safe landing." She grinned.

Lying back, Barbara mumbled, "Rats! No sense in trying to keep clean now. It is in my hair, all over my clothes and a lot of my body. Still you don't have enough on you Gardner." With those words, she reached out and grasped Belle pulling her to the side and onto the ground. Immediately she had placed a leg over the woman straddling her. "How does it feel being on the bottom?"

With a twinkle in her eyes and a smile on her lips Belle Gardner replied, "Feels real good."

Quickly sitting on the ground, Barbara gazed at Belle with a puzzled look before saying, "I think maybe you have inhaled too much soot. The ambiance of this place is one of darkness, yet with you I feel light not dark surrounding me."

Belle sit, stared about the area then set her eyes on Barbara and said, "Looks pretty dark to me, everything is dark, charcoal, pieces here and there but definitely not light. Don't say anything I know what you meant; I am just not used to taking a compliment."

Barbara gazed at her clothes, arms and said, "Guess this means I get to change and I am all for that."

"I knew you didn't like the jeans."

"I did they were just rough."

"Never have heard anyone complain about jeans being rough. Perhaps you just got a bad pair. I have some that will fit you just fine."

"If you say so. Guess we should get up, we are a mess."

Belle stood, reached down to lend a hand to Barbara and said, "Take my hand, I'll help you up. Least I can do since it was my fault you fell."

Taking the woman's hand in hers she got up, and said, "Thanks. Wonder what I hit back there?"

Raising an eyebrow and squinting toward the area, Belle replied, "Don't know but let's find out."

As the two approached the area where Barbara had stumbled, they began to shift through the wreckage. Belle pointed to what looked like metal and said, "That is probably what the back of your boot hit."

"Let's see what it is." Barbara dropped to her knees and began to work even harder to remove the rubble. Belle was doing her best to push charred remnants away. Both women stared at the metal cover. Barbara ran her tongue along the inside of her cheeks before saying, "I have seen these on streets, near certain areas but never in a home. We need to get this open."

Belle tried to move it with her hands but it would not budge as she said, "On there pretty solid, not sure it can be moved.

"Where there is a will, there is a way, look around and see if you can find a crowbar, pick something we can use." She reached into her pocket, pulled out a Swiss Army knife, and began to dig around the metal cover.

Belle shook her head in amazement and said, "You certainly travel prepared. I'll take a walk around the area but if I don't find anything, maybe we should just call the State police."

Looking up at Belle, Barbara said, "Never know what type of situation one might get caught up in. Not sure the State Police would appreciate our being here. I do not know about you but I want to know what this is; call it the curious cat in me."

"They say curiosity is what killed the cat."

"Ah but satisfaction brought it back. Come now Belle you don't believe all that do you?"

"Since the Wendigo and all the craziness that happened, I am apt to believe most anything. Be right back, don't break your nails."

Barbara watched the woman move with grace among the ruins and hoped Belle did find something to pry the cover off whatever it was hiding.

Was not long before Belle was back with a smile on her face and carrying a crowbar and a shovel. "Found these, they are not in the best shape but maybe we can use them. Looks like you got it cleaned out all the way around should make it easier to get under and pry."

After several attempts, the cover began to move and before long, they had it up and off. Then they stared at the ladder that led down into darkness. Belle was leaning on the shovel, Barbara was not sure if the shovel was holding her up or she was holding up the shovel. "Good work. We got it open. Took a lot out of us to do this though."

"Now we know how Dete Fletcher was able to get away and come back to haunt Sky and Tara. If not for his charges, the Sheriff would have had nothing."

Belle sighed and said, "Don't know about you but I am tired, my back hurts, I am a mess. Let us close this up, let Bern know about it so he can tell the State Police. Nothing more we can do here. Unless you can see in the dark and are not afraid of a cave-in happening even after that explosion, then I suggest we go back."

Barbara grasped the cover and slid it back over the opening saying, "I'm ready. Do you want me to drive?"

"Thanks for offering but I do much better when my hands are busy. Can't wait to get back to the place and clean up."

Smiling, Barbara said, "Me two. Looks like I got you into quite a mess."

"Sure did, and I will admit life around the people from Global has kept me hoping. Oh and Bengal of course. I enjoy every second of it. Think we should take the shovels?"



Once again, Barbara grinned before replying, "We have on gloves, no prints but we can take them back where you found them. Kind of mess the area back up here then get out of Dodge."

Chuckling Belle said, "You watch westerns too. Only no Matt Dillon here."

Taking the shovel from the woman and walking away Barbara called back, "What did he have that we don't?"

Running to catch up to the woman, Belle replied, "Well, Miss Kitty for one."

The two women could have jumped for joy when they saw the town of Springfield come into view. It was a long trip; both were tired and ready to collapse at any moment. Driving through town it took a few moments for them to realize that people were stopping and staring. Belle finally said, "Bingo."

"What does that mean?"

"Look at us, (she reached up and turned the small windshield mirror so Barbara could see herself) we are a sight."

"Yikes, you are right. I think we have at least half the Trenton place on our bodies. No wonder they have been staring, that one person even bumped into the barber pole. All the time I was thinking, it was because of . . ."

Belle reached out placing a finger under the woman's chin as she said, "Your beauty, nope, definitely not mine and for the first time, no one cares what my pickup looks like. Guess we need to skedaddle to the place in quick time, before Sheriff Burgess gets wind of this."

"First thing I will try to do is call Bern, fill him in on what we have been doing and tell him about the find. Maybe he will have word of the two women by now."

Once they had pulled into the driveway, Belle stepped from the pickup and said, "Help me take this cover off the seat, it has a lot of black soot among other things on it."

As Barbara stepped down from the pickup she replied, "Good thing you had it behind the seat. Once we are on your porch, don't know about you but my clothes are coming off all the way."

Belle had folded the seat cover and placed it in the bed of the pickup. Her face turned a shade of crimson for a second and she bend down to check a tire saying, "You go right ahead, I'll follow in a few. After you are though, I will take a turn in the shower. Can't think of any other way to get this stuff out of my hair."

Already tossing her clothes into a heap near the door, Barbara offered, "No need, you are welcome to join me, I'll wash your back if you'll wash mine."

Taking a swallow and feeling as if it lodged in her throat, Belle croaked, "Go on ahead, I have a few things to do here."

"Will you be in?"

"Sure when I get through."

Barbara strained to see where Belle had disappeared but could not so she shrugged and walked into the house, hoping what soot that remained on her would soon be gone after she stepped into the shower.

Belle soon made it into the house after removing her clothes and leaving them near Barbara's on the porch; she quickly made it to the bedroom and put on a robe. She could hear the shower running and what sounded like singing. Giggling to herself, she had to admit, Barbara Johnson was no diva, and in fact, she could rough it with the best.

It was nice to hear the sounds of her melodic voice, she was glad that the woman was so relaxed. Did not take her long to make a few calls and when she heard the water shut off she made her way to the bathroom. When Barbara stepped out of the shower, she was met by Belle who held out a soft textured towel and said, "Dry off, and go find something to put on. I won't be too long."

Barbara was drying off doing the best not to stare at Belle but it was a losing battle for the second she removed the robe, her eyes did some amazing traveling. Belle hung up the robe then turned to gaze at the woman. "Cat got your tongue? I know I am huge but gee, you don't have to undress me for I am already there."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to stare, don't hate me, it was a slip."

"I know I am not as curvy as you or the others but I still have feelings."

"Oh now I have done it, haven't I?"

Looking at her quizzically Belle asked, "Done what?"

"Upset you and that is the last thing I would want to do."

Belle stepped into the shower and said, "I know who I am and it is not one of you, I can handle it."

"Belle, you misread me. I know you have feelings and would never want to hurt you. I want you to know you are beautiful, I admire you."

Jeez, it is all right. Took Sky to get me to actually feel good about myself, until her I was very shy. Moreover, before you say anything, no we did not have sex or anything like that. Just got used to her parading around in less than more."

"Of course Jeanne has also been a big influence hasn't she?"

Belle was in the middle of washing her hair and could not really hear what the woman was saying and finally looked out shading her eyes so the soap did not run into them and said, "Can we save this till I get through? Give Bern a call, find something to eat, drink, I'll be out soon."

Barbara winked and asked, "Sure you don't want any help?

"Positive, now shoo."

Barbara walked from the room leaving Belle trying to get soap out of her eyes while muttering to herself.

Bernie Herbella was happy to hear from the woman and definitely enjoyed hearing about their day. So far, there had been no word on Sky or Tara but he was glad to hear about the Trenton place and the cover. He asked what they were going to do next and Barbara said rest. Promising to keep in touch, he went back to what he was doing and she went into the kitchen to find something to eat.

When Belle finally emerged from the bedroom, she looked refreshed, her skin was glowing and all was right with the world, at least for her at that moment. She spied Barbara Johnson sitting at the kitchen table drinking a beer and eating a sandwich. "There you are. I must say, we both look a lot better than we did. What are you eating?"

Smiling toward the woman, Barbara said, "It's a roast beef sandwich. Made one for you, it is in the frig. Hope you don't mind, I made myself at home."

Walking toward the refrigerator, Belle replied, "Not at all, mi casa es tu casa."

"Been a long day friend. I think we accomplished something, how about you?" She watched Belle walk to the table pull out a chair and sit.

"I agree, just hope it helps in finding out where Sky and Tara are at this moment." She took a bite of the sandwich and added, "Good sandwich."

"Thanks, I am not a cook but usually can make a decent sandwich. Have you had time to think about today, perhaps have some idea where we can go next?"

Taking a long drink of cold beer, Belle replied, "Yes, I have been thinking about today and that maybe we need to talk about a few things."

"Shoot. What do you have on your mind?"

"Don't get upset but I felt something between us. Was it my imagination?"

Barbara stood and walked to the refrigerator. "Need another beer, How about you?"

Nodding Belle replied, "Sounds good, this one is almost gone. Thanks."

Barbara walked toward Belle, stopped and handed her the beer. The second their eyes met both women quickly glanced in a different direction. After sitting, Barbara said, "You asked if I felt something between us, the answer is yes. But it could be friendship, the good feeling of people working together."

"Could, but was it?" Belle was leaning forward, her eyes locked with Barbara's as she added, "Been around a lot of people, and I can tell you this feeling is not something that happens to me. I think you have gotten under my skin Barbara Johnson."

The woman smiled, tossed her head allowing her hair to flow back and forth then said, "too much going on, Jeanne is not here, Sky, Tara and Bobie are missing, your body is all tensed up, but I am the last person you want to get under your skin."


"Well you are with Jeanne and I don't walk into other people's lives and cause train wrecks. And when it comes to sex (she raised an eyebrow) I assume this is one thing on your mind, I don't engage in this with . . ."

"Oh My God! I really put my foot in it didn't I?" Belle stood and began to pace the room. "You are straight."

Barbara watched the woman make what could have been a worn path in the floor then she stood and walked up to Belle. The woman stopped, looked up at her and spouted, "Don't even try to pacify me. I made a big mistake and hate myself for it."

Reaching out she placed her hands on the woman's shoulders and said, "I do not believe in labeling a person. To me love is love. If there are deep feelings, if the two want this, then I have no objection."

"You're not straight?"

"I prefer to say I am me. If I should fall for a woman, then I have no problem with it. If I should fall for a man, I have no problem with it. But I have never fallen for either."

"I find that hard to believe, you travel with Skylar Richmond and anyone that would walk away from her has to be teched in the head."

"Have you and Skylar done it?"

Huffing she replied, "No, of course not."

"See, just because you are with someone that is beautiful, does not mean one wants to have sex. So please do not think I am pushing you away. I am not. I like you; I feel a strong friendship between us. In addition, in case you forget, you and Jeanne are a couple. I can hold my own in battle but prefer not to have her come after me. Some women get really crazy when their nest seems to be threatened."

Belle gazed at the woman standing in front of her wearing polka dot pajamas and said, "Jeanne and I have an understanding. At the moment, she is working on a very difficult case with a rookie. The rookie happens to be young, blond, blue eyed with curves that just will not stop."

"Are you saying they are doing more than work?"

"Don't know but I have seen them with their heads together, whispering, noticed the eye contact and have to think something is going on. I know Jeanne loves me, it is hard to take, that is all. This is my first relationship and I have needs, I feel alone, I feel lost at times."

Barbara reached out, pulled the woman close into an embrace, and said, "As long as I am around, you don't need to feel alone or lost. This however does not mean we should have sex. How about we just take it one day at a time, if there is something I can to do help you, let me know."

Pulling from the woman's embrace, Belle replied, "I'm going to take a few beers to bed and hope I fall asleep. I am not upset at you, I am upset at myself. If you can, try to forget what I have said this night."

"Can't, once something goes in this ear, it does not go out the other. I really like you Belle Gardner, you are special and definitely beautiful so if Jeanne is fooling around, she is crazy to do this and possibly lose you. If you and I were together, not sure I would let you out of my sight for long."

"That's nice of you to say, and Barbara I am very happy you chose to come into my place and that you also chose to work with me to find the women. See you a little later, going to leave you for a bit. Call Bern. Oh before I go into the bedroom, is there something going on between you and him? It's the curiosity in me."

Smiling, she shook her head and replied, "We are good friends, that is all. I'll be in soon."

"You're coming into the bedroom?"

"Well yes, unless you want me to sleep on that hard divan in the front room."

"No its fine, bed is a king so there is plenty of room. Sorry the other bedroom is filled with so much storage that there is no place to lay."

When Barbara went into the bedroom that evening she stopped to gaze at Belle Gardner. The woman was lying on her stomach, and appeared to be asleep. There were several empty beer bottles on the floor that she picked up and put in the wastebasket. Belle was wearing pink pajamas that had small pictures of kittens on them. The woman was a vision in pink, she looked so vulnerable and it was all Barbara could do not to reach over to comfort her. She slid into bed and pulled the covers up, then laid on her right side and attempted to go to sleep.

She had almost drifted off when she heard Belle Gardner say, "I have been thinking."

Turning to stare into Belle's crystal blue eyes, Barbara asked, "Thinking about what?"

"About us but mostly about the women. You know if they did not escape then Sheriff Burgess did something to them, no one has thought of that but it is a possibility. There is one person in the town that knows just about most things that goes on."

Barbara was wide-awake and asked, "Who?"

"Doc Taylor. I know if Sky and Tara have been back he would know."

"That is a great idea, you are wonderful Belle Gardner." With those words, Barbara leaned over and softly kissed the woman's forehead then said, "Pleasant dreams, tomorrow we will find them, because of you."

Belle watched Barbara lay back onto her side and whispered softly, "Good night sweet woman. Tomorrow is another day."



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