Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 91 pages | Finished | Aug-07
Cast: Syd, Madison, Heather
Honors/Awards: Two-Time Top-25 #1 Perennial Favorite Award: #8 in 2007 #48 in 2008 #75 in 2009 #95 in 2010 #60 in 2011
Series List: Bet on Madison (The), Syd's Choice, Stronger Then Us
Reader Recommendations:
great story! i loved every minute of it. - Anonymous - Aug-30-2007 That's a real sweat story. I enjoyed it a lot. - filfil - Aug-30-2007 Wow!!!!! I love Syd and Madie SO much. They're meant to be together. I hope you'll make a sequel to this couple. If you haven't read this, please do. - Kuu - Aug-30-2007 wow. this story is soooo sweet. i hope u have a sequel - leia - Aug-31-2007 awesome story, more Please.. - cor - Sep-02-2007 good story - Anonymous - Sep-08-2007 What a sweet story. Add me to the please more train! - Anonymous - Sep-08-2007 wondeful love story! - Ami - Sep-13-2007 aaaaaw ! such a sweet first time story ! Loved it ! - Anonymous - Oct-03-2007 Indeed a very lovely story. Sequel please! - ter - Oct-05-2007 Awesome story!! Must read!! - Anonymous - Oct-12-2007 Great story. Perfect pace. highly recommended - Anonymous - Oct-16-2007 very ver nice story. It is not a waste of time to read this fic. A sequel wiil be nice.lol. it kind of exciting to see these characters to develop more ang more sweet interactions.lol:) - anonymous - Nov-06-2007 This is one of the cutest stories that I've ever read! Everyone should read it, it will warm your heart. Sequel please!!!!! - bk lady - Nov-18-2007 good stuff! sequel please! - Anonymous - Nov-27-2007 omg, this definitely left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Its a must read! I was hoping you had other works but was disappointed to find out that this is your only one. sequel please! XD - lxlanimefreaklxl - Jan-03-2008 A sequel please! - Anonymous - Jan-30-2008 deferentially would like more brilliant - Anonymous - Feb-12-2008 Awesome story!!! Its one of those storys that you have this silly grin on your face while reading it and cant get it off. Higjly reccomend it. - wolflord95 - Feb-18-2008 Great story! I'd love to see a sequel. Wonderful offering from a talented bard. - AliB - Mar-01-2008 Lovely Story, it's so sweet!!! I highly recommend this one! Excelent work! - V - Jul-03-2008 Wonderful and entertaining. this is one of those stories to add to a personal collection of favourites. Keep writing Lady D!. - aj - Sep-12-2008 I read the entire series in one sitting. This is an author who really knows how to make the seconds fly by. I was 30 minutes late feeding my dogs their dinner because of Lady D! If you haven't read the series, do check it out. - Xenamungrrr - Aug-09-2009 Great Story. Loved the action - I recommend all three in this series. Fantastic. - Texas_wild - Oct-08-2009 What a wonderful story! Just the right amount of angst (oy!) without so much heartache. Lady D's stories are a gift straight from the heart. Thank you, Lady D (!!) for sharing the gift of time and stories with us. A big hug to you (and yours) from my family as you experience the loss of your beloved dog. (Our angel was called back to Heaven a few months ago). Thank you, again, for sharing your gifts with us. It's meant the world to me me & mine. - Teresa - Apr-29-2010 Nice story. Great job writing it. - sassy123 - Nov-23-2010 really sweet and adorable: The Jock and The Nerd what a great story. So glad I found this author ! On to the sequel - yeah ! This story is a gem !! - colorado fan - Feb-22-2011 Loved reading this story. Top shelf and a fantastic read - Joy - Aug-18-2011 Fantastic Story Held me right to the end. - Christi - Aug-23-2011 This is a great series. Very romantic, but with real life (ish) speed bumps. The learning curve of love. - Georgia - Oct-23-2011 omg =)) the best line is ,,Thank you big bitch that hit me in the eye.'' great story - braniac - Nov-23-2011 sweet story - Anonymous - Sep-13-2012 Great love story xx - SD - Nov-24-2015 Great love story xx - SD - Nov-25-2015 |
I See You
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 127 pages | Finished | Aug-11
Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #3 in 2011 #4 in 2012
Reader Recommendations:
It's such a beautiful, romantic story like I love them. Thank you for sharing your talent with us Lady D. - Belgian girl - Aug-16-2011 I sure want more! Lovely, sweet romantic story <3 I'm in love with the characters. And, once more: want... uh.. no, NEED more of them. Fully recommended for helpless romantics as myself ;) - V. - Aug-17-2011 ^ Um.. sorry *blush* wanted to write ''hopeless romantics'' *grin* - v. - Aug-17-2011 I want more of them, a sweet story. Sequel please!!!! - Joy - Aug-18-2011 I absolutely loved this story!! It has a lot of soul, and personality and character... incredibly sweet too!! - Lara - Aug-18-2011 is a great story!! fantastic I wished it was longer, to know more about Megan and Dana in the future. - auditekk - Aug-18-2011 It was a great story. A very sweet love story about young people - Anonymous - Aug-18-2011 Another great story from an excellant writer. The charactors were lovable and would like a sequal. - Sandy - Aug-19-2011 great story - ebby25 - Aug-19-2011 Lady D's work is awsome. I have read this one twice, It is a sweet story and the character's are great. It ended too way too soon. Leaves u wanting more. - cpo - Aug-19-2011 Awesome Awesome Awesome story. I love it so much. Lady D your such a talent writer and I have read all your stories and I loved each and every one of them. Both Morgan and Dana are such sweet and loving characters, I simply adored Morgan. The only sad part was that it had to end. - Jasmin - Aug-22-2011 Loved this story, I definitely was able to feel the moments. - Anonymous - Aug-23-2011 I absolutely loved this story of high school love and the characters of Morgan and Dana. I am hoping that there will be a sequel following these characters and their experiences in college. - xenangabfan - Aug-24-2011 Beautiful romantic tale, in the purest classic way! Lady D is a talented bard, we already knew that, but this story defintely confirmed it. It has romance, intensity, absolut cuteness... and a whole lot of sexual tension lol! (oh hormones ^^) Well, read this, you will do yourself a favor, and I'm tellin' you cause i'm a nice girl - yuka - Nov-05-2011 sequel pleaseeeeeeee - braniac - Jan-06-2012 Wonderful story! I really liked. I loved the characters and their personal and family conflicts! - Rosa - Jan-14-2012 What a sweet story ... loved it! - Ricky - Nov-21-2012 Great story! Just what my romantic soul needed today :) - M.E. - Jan-24-2013 I've read this back in 2011, I loved it then and I loved it now. Great read :-) Give it a try if you haven't yet. - Anonymous - Feb-07-2014 Well developed story. A bit cliche but not enough to ruin the entire plot. - michLiz - Apr-09-2015 Loved this story well done xx - SD - Jun-19-2016 This story is just so sweet and heart warming.Please read if you havent already or reread it like I did. Its truely a sweet story and I wish the author had a sequel in the mix. - Katie of ohio - Feb-21-2017 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 51 pages | Finished | Jun-10
Honors/Awards: #70 in 2010
Reader Recommendations:
great story !!!! - Anonymous - Jun-07-2010 Lady D did a fantastic job with this story. I hope she writes a sequel or something. If you haven't read it yet, begin NOW. - B - Jun-09-2010 Lady D is awesome. but she knows that already. so all i'm gonna say, and then scream, is SEQUEL DAMMIT! - Mrs. M - Jun-10-2010 Just finished reading this story and thought it was excellent. Well drawn characters, interesting premise and intense story with a happy ending. Can't ask for more than that. I will definitely be looking to read more of this author's work! - Samantha Ruskin - Jun-10-2010 really fun and sexy story. Prison tales get me every time. - Anonymous - Jun-13-2010 amazingly written and hot! - Anonymous - Jul-18-2010 love it...recommended to all!! - easteden - Jul-21-2010 cool!!! - bluebutterfly - Jul-24-2010 Very nice story - and hot, hot, HOT! :D - MHR - Oct-12-2010 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 165 pages | Finished | Jul-09
Honors/Awards: #36 in 2009
Series List: Bet on Madison (The), Syd's Choice, Stronger Then Us
Reader Recommendations:
Alright!! I love these characters, I'm soooo thrilled to read more about them!! :-) - Anonymous - Jul-28-2009 fantastic - Anonymous - Jul-29-2009 This story is a MUST READ!! Read the first two and then this one and i promise you wont be disappointed! - alice - Jul-29-2009 Wonderful fic! - jen - Jul-29-2009 I love these characters! This sequel was just simply amazing! You should definitely read this!! - Nicole - Jul-29-2009 OMG!! Another sequel from my favorite series. This particular fic shows the power of love. Hope you will enjoy this fic :D It has my HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION!!! Hope we will also have a chance to read another sequel :D - Fan - Aug-03-2009 Lady D says: "Love/Sex: Yes, and I'm getting a little bolder with the love scenes." My response: Ya think!!! Great story, very glad I got to visit with these two again. As stated before...A MUST READ!! I.E. - Irish Eyes - Aug-03-2009 AWESOME - don't miss this. - Texas_wild - Oct-08-2009 Whew starts with Amazon ice needed! This is a great series. Very romantic, but with real life (ish) speed bumps. The learning curve of love. - Georgia - Oct-23-2011 Very good story enjoyed the 3 of them - Anonymous - Apr-25-2015 Loved this story so well writing xx - SD - Nov-25-2015 Loved this story so well writing xx - SD - Nov-25-2015 |
Syd's Choice
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 92 pages | Finished | Mar-08
Honors/Awards: Top-25 #1 Perennial Favorite Award: #21 in 2008 #93 in 2009
Series List: Bet on Madison (The), Syd's Choice, Stronger Then Us
Reader Recommendations:
Wow! Once again you have left me smiling and crying over a story Lady D. Wonderful. - Claire - Mar-05-2008 Oh My GOD!!! HOT!!! Thank you Lady D for granting us this equally beautiful sequel.. May the muse be with you always. lol! - Anonymous - Mar-06-2008 I squealed with delight when I saw that a sequel had been written to The Bet on Madison! Loved this new story...it's always great when I have a smile on my face at the end of a story! - anonfan - Mar-06-2008 a great sequel - Anonymous - Mar-11-2008 FINALLY!! This sequel is good. Hotter and still heart warming...I'm glad to be this author's constant reader. Hope to read more of your magical works... - Anonymous - Mar-13-2008 When I first readed this I fell in love with the story right away. I've searched this kinda story for a long time and I'm way too happy that I've finally found it. I've re-read these many many times and I always found myself smiling while reading. You've done very good job there and I hope you'll write many many many these kind of stories for us to read. :) - Bitazh - May-19-2008 Very nice. I really enjoyed both of the stories in this series. I finished this one with a smile on my face. And that, in my opinion, is a great way to tell that the story was fabulous. I look forward to reading more from this author! - Alcandre - Aug-12-2008 Ah now the sequel, this story is a continuation of the superior effort of the writer in her previous work. The standard and storyline are strengthered in this submission. Again great stuff Lady D! - aj - Sep-12-2008 I found this story enjoyable. Its really a great story for an afternoon after to work not to long and not to short. Great job thank you for posting these stories for us to read - mari - Sep-15-2008 Another great story. Great job. - sassy123 - Nov-23-2010 Loved the sequel. Don't miss this series. It's darn cute and adorable... but This is a great series. Very romantic, but with real life (ish) speed bumps. The learning curve of love. - Georgia - Oct-23-2011 Thanks for giving us this amazing story loved it xx well done great work xx - SD - Nov-25-2015 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 186 pages | Finished | Sep-08
Cast: Jessie and Samantha
Honors/Awards: Top-25 #1 Perennial Favorite Award: #9 in 2008 #7 in 2009
Reader Recommendations:
This is one amazing story. Very sweet and innocent and hot...I'm officially in love with this author's work. Seems to be getting better with each story. You must finish this one soon though! - Dawn - Sep-23-2008 oh please,please,please,you gotta give us more..this story's awesome,please finished it soon! - Anonymous - Sep-24-2008 OMG; OMG; OMG; This is an incredible story; I cannot wait for the next part. D has score a 10 in this story. I highly recommend it. Please continue asap - xenamary - Sep-25-2008 I really need to read more of this story.So please,please,please write more soon.I just hope it doesnt end in the next sction. - T Hanley - Sep-25-2008 This story is such a wonderful, touching, loving and non-stop reader. From the first sentence the characters embrace your heart and refuse to let go. What an "awful" place to stop. Eagerly awaiting MORE(PLEASE and SOON!!)!! - VTXSIP - Sep-26-2008 brilliant fantastic more please hope it follows soonish - Anonymous - Sep-26-2008 This is an amazing story. Please don't wait too long for the next update. - Luce - Sep-26-2008 Please continue this wonderful story to completion very soon...I'm not sure I can wait to find out how things work out for Jessie and Sam, and I do hope they work out...Oh, Boy, what a curve ball you threw us with that cliff hanger. It really pissed me off at first, but I've calmed down now and I'm anxiously awaiting the conclusion of this really powerful story. You are a skilled and talented wordsmith that's for sure. Now, please be gentle and let Jessie have the happy ending she deserves...PLEASE! Thanks for the awesome read! - Carolina Girl - Sep-27-2008 brilliant...heartwarming... i hope u finished this soon.. cant wait.. - leia - Sep-29-2008 ALL I can say is MORE MORE MORE!!! Continue this PLEASE lol. - Anonymous - Sep-30-2008 Wow what a brillant emotion grabing story. please please finish this. - scorpio_2097 - Oct-21-2008 I'm really enjoying this story - It's very sweet. I couldn't stop reading it. Please let us have the next part soon. - Anon - Oct-28-2008 OMG!!! What a beautiful love story! I love the characters of Sam and Jess. I can't wait for part 2. Please don't keep us waiting to long!!! - Xenangabfan - Nov-22-2008 Great beginning but I am seriously hope this isnt one of those stories that never get finished.Definitely read... - Anonymous - Dec-06-2008 This is a really sweet sweet story. Please finish it. - ec - Dec-12-2008 Sweet to no end, but I want more!!! Please let it be a second part soon. - Laura - Dec-13-2008 Wahoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! The story is now finished. Luvs and hugs to the author. Thank you thank you thank you - EC - Dec-25-2008 Just great....simply just great. Thanks. - Manoli - Jan-13-2009 WOW!!! What a great story. PLEASE MORE. - rosii59 - Feb-12-2009 unexpectedly heartwarming. a very sweet story that you shouldn't miss!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Jun-23-2009 INCREDIBLE ! This story is managed to bring tears in my eyes. God, it's so sweet and moving ! Thank you for this. One of my favourites ! - Frenchy - Jun-26-2009 can't wait for the next chater in these girls life - Anonymous - Aug-01-2009 I love this story, please I need a sequel..Great job - Anonymous - Aug-06-2009 I recommend!!! This story was sooooooo sweet!!! Very well written... - BlueButterfly - Jan-01-2010 WOW!!! I like your style of writing; I find myself really involved with the characters, just waiting for the next thing to happen. This is one of those stories that you cannot put down, so make time to read it all at once!! A reall good read!! - CoolNik - Mar-21-2010 Wonderful story that had me captured from beginning to end. I definitely recommend. - AB Knight - Apr-25-2010 The innocence of this sweet story of love fills my heart. It is the phrase that comes closest to what this story has made me feel. I have read this story twice so far, and I intend to read it many times in the future. The reason is simple: the story holds you like love embraces these characters, so it is impossible to detach. They are made for each other. - Lucian - May-31-2010 a wonderful story. you easily fall in love with the characters and feel their emotions. a part 2 is needed. - sarah - Jun-14-2010 I love this story it's so cute, I'm happy that is going to be published but also it makes me sad because I'm not going to be able to adquire it in México and I want to read it again. Congrats Lady D - Lebasi - Jul-17-2010 I loved it sooo much I went out and purchased the book. Awseome sappy tale for those that love the romantic mushy stuff. Great story line, great characters, It makes you laugh, makes you cry, and even makes you angry at times. Too me folks, that's good writing. - cpo - Aug-19-2011 The first ebook I purchased and I love it! I fell in love with the characters and the story. I'll look forward for your next story ;) - Belgian Girl - Nov-01-2011 |