At Play




Disclaimer:  Not my sandbox.  I’m just building castles to while away the time…

Comments are always welcome.  Razz the writer:



Musical laughter burbled liltingly.  Tracey turned her head and smiled at her partner.  Sky-touched eyes twinkled and a button nose wrinkled as Kelly returned the sweet sentiment.


Rapidly moving arms and legs in tandem, Tracey felt a momentary surge of silliness, but it was lost when Kelly stood and held out a hand to her.


“Let’s go get warmed up.  I think my ass is frozen.”


“I can fix that,” she said, her tone a throaty promise as she was tugged into a lingering kiss.


“I’m counting on it.” 


Arm in arm, the attorneys returned to their cabin while behind them, two angels greeted the winter sun.




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The characters, backstory, and settings of Law & Order, Special Victims Unit, Trial By Jury, and Criminal Intent are property of NBC and Dick Wolf. These stories are just one fan's efforts at playing about in the sandbox. I hope my castles don't get kicked over anytime soon.