Buffy and her gang of Scoobies have been a favorite of mine since the
movie first came out. Is it no surprise that I keep returning
to this particular playground to muck about with the characters?
Chronicle One:
Her Little Secrets - What if things didn't happen
as they did in season four? What if there was some truth
behind the idea that Tara was otherworldly? Willow/Tara.
Chronicle Two:
Prison of Choice - Not all bars are solid, not
all cages tangible. This is the sequel to Her Little Secrets.
Chronicle Three: The Rat's Tale -
Being an account of Amy the Rat, and how she found both love and
humanity in the town of Sunnydale. Willow/Tara. Buffy/Amy.
Chronicle Four: LA Story - The final chapter in the saga of this
iteration of the Scoobies. (Okay, maybe not final, I never
say never.) This one's all about Faith.
Cordelia/Faith. Buffy/Amy. Willow/Tara.
Several years ago, The Sunnydale Chronicles earned a couple of
awards. I just recently rediscovered the graphics. Thank
you, again, to those who voted for the stories!
White Flower -
A Kennedy-centric piece set in season seven. Willow/Kennedy.
- Followup to "White Flower". Willow/Kennedy.
Cycle's End - My take on how the series ends.
Finale to the White Flower series. Willow/Kennedy.
The White Flower series
has won the coveted, "This Ain't Crap" award from TrueXena.
Resurrection is for the Unbelievers - A
crossover between Buffy, Angel, and the movies Dracula II: Ascention
and Dracula III: Legacy. Willow/Kennedy.
Mercy is for the Just - Sequel to "Resurrection
is for the Unbelievers". Crossover with Criminal Minds.
Willow/Kennedy. A string of violent crimes in
Chicago has the police calling in
BAU to solve what the papers are calling the, "Kiss of the Vampire"
Drawn into the investigation, Kate Lockley and her partner, Elizabeth
work behind the scenes to help find the killer before the city's
denizens decide to introduce Chicago to real vampires...
Willow/Kennedy. Elizabeth/Kate. Emily/JJ.
Ticket to Heaven: A RIFTUverse Tale
- Valentine's Day with the RIFTU gang. Set after the events
of "Mercy is for the Just". Willow/Kennedy.
Desire: Black on Black: A RIFTUverse Tale
- Sequel to "Ticket to Heaven". Willow/Kennedy.
Elizabeth Kate.
Goodbye is for the Birds - It sucks to
say goodbye, even when it isn't forever. Set after the events
of "Desire: Black on Black". Willow/Kennedy.

Day - Set following the events of season two.
Butterfly Dance
- A "blink and you'll miss it" sequel to "Father's Day", thus why I
include them in the "one-shots" catagory. Willow/Tara
Strawberry Float
- Willow/Tara fluffness. Inspired by a favorite drink.
Sometimes Angels Fall
- Another take on Tara's past. Strong Angst Warning.
A Lot of Fuss
- Just another patrol. Buffy/Faith.
Guilty Sin
- Would she ever be free? Buffy/Faith.
Not an Addict
- Some things can't be quit. Willow/Kennedy.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Art - Desktop wallpaper of the characters
RIFTUverse Art - Desktop sized images taken from the the RIFTUverse stories.
Several years ago, Sometimes Angels Fall won a couple of awards.
I am still honored by those who voted for my story. Thank
Playground Main - New - Criminal Minds - ER
- Law and Order - Voyager - SG-1 - Xena - Original - Art - Blog - Links
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters, history and
storylines are copyright to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and who
ever else owns a piece of them. Elizabeth Blaine is copyright to Wes
Craven and whoever else owns her.