Unless otherwise noted, all images are 800x600.

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Buff Buffy | Dreamchaser | Willow | V-Will

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Tara |  Gotta Have | Kennedy | Ever Love

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Blessed Be | Believe in Magick | Captain of my Soul | Couply Goodness

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Heart's Choice | Into You | Magic Moment | Touch of Love

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Forever Magick | Secret Smile | Smile Magick | Flobberwoggled

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Choices | Healing Touch (winner of TrueXena's TAC award!) | Broken | Nuzzling

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Just a Kiss | Back to Life | The Flame | Twelve-Play

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C'Mere | Crystalize | My Beloved (1024x640)

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Faith-n-Cordelia (380x600) | Echoes of Passion | Lickable

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Slayer Now | This Moment | Whispers

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Love is Magic | Lovestruck | Love Magic

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Magick | Stargazing | You Will Be The Light (488x590)

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all related characters, history and storylines are copyright to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the WB and who ever else owns a piece of them.