A Boat in the Sky



Disclaimer: Criminal Minds etc belongs to someone who isn't me.  Just playing around.  

Note:  The title of this piece is based on the Skye Boat Song, which was playing at the time this was written.

Comments are always welcome: shaych3@yahoo.com


“Is she humming?” Derek Morgan scrunched up as close to Spencer Reid as he could get, and spoke in a tone that was a hair above silence.  Prodding his colleague’s shoulder, he nodded in the direction of the dark haired woman hunched in the seat across the aisle from them.  Sprawled on her lap, Agent Jennifer Jareau’s bruised face was finally relaxed in sleep.

Cocking his head slightly, Reid struggled to hear above the dull thrum of jet engines.

“I think so,” he finally said, his face screwing up in concentration.

“You think we should wake them?”  David Rossi joined the conversation, a wry smile twitching at the corners of his lips.

“Oh no,” Morgan said, holding up his hands.  “I am not going to be the one to wake either of them after they’ve just spent the last five days in the company of one sick son of a bitch.  Let them have some peace.”

“Aw, where’s your sense of adventure?” the older agent said, mischief stripping years from his face. 

“Right now?  It’s about two hundred miles, five sleepless nights, and one seriously messed up serial killer back that way,” replied Morgan softly as he jerked his thumb in a vaguely southern direction. 

All three men’s faces lost any hue of amusement as they recalled the events of the past week.  Within the sudden quiet, Emily’s humming resolved itself into a lullaby that soon had everyone blinking and yawning sleepily.  A few minutes later, soft snores filled the cabin. 



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The characters, situations, and backstory of Criminal Minds are copyright to CBS, Ed Bernero, and whole bunch of others... They are most definitely not mine and I make no claim to them other than as a slightly over-enthusiastic fan who enjoys playing in their sandbox.