Here you will find artwork related to the online versions of the tales of Y'Myran, including fanart and concept drawings.

Here is one of the original covers I did for the story.  Even though it is rather simple, I still quite like it.  It's possible I may develop this into a tattoo at some point.

I went through three versions of the blade that Azhani uses to fight the rimerbeasts before settling on the very top version.  

When I first started to write Banshee's Honor, I wanted something for my desktop that would inspire me.  This was it.

This was the image I used to inspire the descriptions of the obelisk that rested atop Table Mountain, as well as the small one Kasyrin kept.

The following are pieces done for me by the Xenaverse artist Ciegra of The Warrior's Lair.


Front and Back covers, with blurb text.

Desktops of Azhani and Kyrian.

The Heroes.  From left to right:  Padreg, Elisira, Kyrian, Azhani, Allyndev, Syrelle, Devon.

Finally, a happy ending, because we all know, I can't write anything else.

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All original content copyright to me, Shaylynn Rose, and may not be used without written consent.  To contact me about linking to this site, please email me here:  Any images used in fan art are copyright to their original creators and displayed solely for the purpose of enjoyment by the fans of the online version of Banshee's Honor.