As with all of these pages, I highly recommend that you read Banshee's Honor before you explore these pages, and this warning holds doubly true for the Glossary.

Arun - Kyrian's faithful horse.

Astariu/Astarus (aka the Twain):  The gods worshipped by the people of the Seven Kingdoms.  Astariu has three aspects: Healer, Warrior and Witch.  Her twin brother, Astarus, also has three forms: Trickster, Scholar, and Mage.  In soliciting aid from the gods, those of the western kingdoms tend to address them by name, whereas in the eastern kingdoms, they are more likely to say, "By the Twain" or "Twain bless you".  

Banner Lake - A freshwater lake that shares the border with Y'Mar, Y'Dan, and Y'Syr.  Site of the famous battle where Azhani Rhu'len earned the name, "Banshee of Banner Lake".

Barton -  A trade town in the borderlands north of Y'Dan.  Barton is noted for its minors and trappers.

Baton - The traditional weapon of the stardancer.  Usually a steel rod measuring some two and a half feet in length, well balanced, and fitted with a wide guard and has a hilt wrapped in leather.

Beast season - The colloquial name for those years when rimerbeasts attack.

Borderlands - The lands outside the kingdoms.  This includes much of the Crest of Amyra and the glacial icefields beyond.

Brother/Sister - Titles given to those who serve Astarus.

By the First TreeA saying common to the elves – they revere the forests almost as much as they do the Twain.

Cabal -  A loosely knit organization of criminals led by a shadowy personage known only as Istaffryn.

Candlemark - A unit of time roughly equal to one hour.  Chandlers make large pillar style candles marked off in intervals that, as the candle burns, measure time.  This is the standard by which most of Y'Myran marks off the hours.  Some richer families have waterclocks, and in the desert, sandglasses are far more popular than candles which may tend to melt in the heat.

Father/Mother - Title granted to those who follow the Twain and who have risen to some status within the order.

Firstlander - The name given to the humans who arrived long ago on the shores of Y'Myran.  There is an entire mythology wrapped up in the Firstlanders, and the seven brothers who led seven ships to find safety and prosperity on Y'Myran.

Goddess Dance - A non-lethal martial art.

Hunting Cats - a special breed of companion animal.  About the size of a lynx or bobcat, with similar color and physical variations.  They are also mildly empathic, forming a bond with one human above all others.

Korethka - A word in an ancient language meaning "soul love".  

Korethkyu - People who are under the influence of korethku, or soulmates.  The concept of korethka and the korethku is something developped by the shaman of the Y'Noran tribes.  Y'Norans, like all Y'Myrani look to the Twain, but they also follow a nature based faith that  has its origins in indigenous peoples that once wandered the plains.

Midsummer - A holiday in Y'Myran.  It's basically an excuse to go out, eat too much, and have  a lot of fun before the winter comes and drives away the good weather.

Morgedraal - A created race of humanoids indigenous to Y'Skan.  They are small, charcoal skinned, and are generally considered a servant class.  They, like halfelves, and humans who cannot pay their debts in Y'Skan, are often sold as slaves.  It is said that nearly every morgedraal has been a slave at some point in their life - it is postulated that this is a matter of choice.  As a whole, morgedraal are insular, existing in tribes or clans throughout the desert.  Those who live outside of Y'Skan tend not to discuss their homeland.

Northern Border Wars
- A multi-generation long conflict between the people of Y'Dan and the barbarians that live above the Crest of Amyra.  King Thodan brokered a peace treaty with them when he first came to his throne, and now no one has seen or heard from the barbarians since the last beast season.  Some wonder if they were destroyed by the rimerbeasts.

Oathbreaker - One who has broken a solemn vow and becomes exiled by the king.  Oathbreakers are always stripped of their lands and title, their rank mark is destroyed, and in some extreme cases, they are imprisoned on Killigarn Island or executed.  Otherwise, they are exiled, and forced to live in the borderlands.

Pine Ridge - A small logging community near the northern border of Y'Dan.  Site of a great battle between the forces led by Azhani Rhu'len and the rimerbeasts.

Rimerbeasts (online: ice demons/demons) - Creatures created by the demon Ecarthus to reap chaos and disruption among the peoples of Y'Myran.  
They hatch from egg sacks by the thousand and pour out of mountain caves in winter to feed upon all living things. Sunlight destroys them and they are particularly vulnerable to fire based attacks.  Their blood, saliva and other excretions are poisonous.  Their life cycle runs on a five year period, and all dread the coming of a beast season.

Rite of the Gauntlet - A ritual trial by combat that any criminal convicted of murder can request, though failure means that their death will be long and painful.  Older than the kingdoms, it appears to have been in use in some form or another long before the Firstlanders set foot on Y'Myran.  Those who undergo the Rite must take on all comers for twelve candlemarks or until no opponents await, whichever comes first.  If successful, the person is allowed to go into exile.  Most choose to accept their fate, but for those who truly believe in their innocence, it can be a way of getting the gods' attention.

Shyvot - An ancient Y'Myrani word meaning, "stinking piles of animal excrement".

Stardancer - Priests of Astariu who are dedicated to her healer aspect.  They are granted special healing powers called Astariu's fire.  They also practice a form of non-lethal martial art called the Goddess Dance and carry steel rods known as batons, rather than more traditional maces, swords, or staves.

Starseeker - Priests of Astariu who are dedicated to her witch aspect.  They command powerful magics.  Generally they carry no weapons beyond a staff or dagger, though some have chosen more warrior-like ways and have wielded many types of weaponry.

Winterfest -  Celebratory time of Harvest’s End.  Held on the shortest day of the year; in many kingdoms, this is the time when those whose livelihood is the sword return home to marry.  In a few kingdoms, this is the day set aside for Warleaders to wed.  Generally, the day is filled with merry making and celebrating.

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