Current Monarch:  Y'Dror is ruled by a governing council of nine, made up of equal parts human, half-elf and dwarf.  Elves have served, but most prefer to stay in Y'Syr, Y'Mar, or Y'Tol.  The council is arbitrated by a member of the Astariun brother-or-sisterhood, and one of the human families ties its lineage back to the Firstlander prince, Ydrovan.
Royal Device: Against a snowcapped mountain setting, two crossed stone hammers.
Capitol City: There are two cities considered capitols in Y'Dror.  Y'Dravyr is the dwarven stronghold and in recent years, Koryth has begun to serve as an outpost for those who do not enjoy mountain living.
Population: Around five million humans and half-elves share the kingdom of Y'Dror with approximately three and a half million dwarves.  
Main Exports: Tin, gold, silver, iron, steel, lumber, gems, certain chemicals and dyes, furs, granite, copper, weapons and armor of the finest quality
Main Imports: Rice, wheat, leather, cotton, wine, tobacco, wool

Y'Dror is the hereditary land of the dwarves, short-statured humanoids who are physically hearty and have an innate sense of the realms below the earth.  They are diggers and tunnelers and crafters of fine objects made from the rich metals and gems found in their mountains.  When the Firstlanders came to Y'Myran, they welcomed the humans with open arms and readily agreed to incorporate into the growing kingdom.  Dwarves are, by nature, rowdy.  They enjoy a good time, fine liquor, and are among the first to volunteer when the rimerbeasts spawn.  They do not breed very well, and thus their numbers are fewer than the more prolific humans and half elves, but they live longer lives.  Some dwarves can live up to four times longer than a human.

Founder: Ydrovan

The People of Y'Dror
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