Current Monarch: Ysradan Ymarych
Royal Device: Against a field of green, a golden star beneath a purple crown.
Capitol City: Y'Mria
Population: Around twelve million
Main Exports: wool, cotton, fish, tin, tobacco, pork
Main Import: lumber, metal ores, gems

Y'mar was the first of seven kingdoms formed by the Firstlanders.  The Firstlanders were exiles from a far away land who came to Y'myran to start a new life.  Led by seven brothers, the Firstlanders had seven ships each filled with men, women and children.  Before leaving their homelands, a starseeker had given prophecy of their new land, and, all that she foretold, came to pass.

Y'myran is ruled by six kings and one high king.  The High King rules both Y'myran as well as the kingdom of Y'mar.  The High King's job is to create and enforce the laws that bind the kingdoms together.

In the years when rimerbeasts (online: ice demons) preyed upon the northern kingdoms, Y'Mar always sent a portion of its army to aid in the extermination of the creatures.

Founder: Ysradaran. 

The People of Y'Mar

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