Current Monarch:  Queen Yshiandar
Device:  Against a sandy field, a crystal goblet
Capitol City:  Y'Skavyr
Population: Around five million
Main Exports: glass, gems, artifacts, mages
Main Imports: lumber, beef, pork, cotton, linen, silk, grain

Y'Skan is a land of mystery.  It is a desert where none should exist, peppered with strange ruins and odd natural occurences that some say are not at all natural.  There are plenty of rumors and legends pertaining to Y'Skan's history, though only the elves and morgedraal can truly be said to know the full truth, and of the two, only the elves tend to pass on their knowledge.  One rumor that seems to have a grain of truth is that there was once a great war of magic that blackened the skies and turned a once verdant land into a blasted desert.  

Y'Skan is the hereditary homeland of a dark skinned, small statured humanoid race called the morgedraal.  Only in Y'Skan will one find Desert Walkers, a particular breed of adventurers who seek out the most remote areas of the desert in order to study its nature.  Perhaps they too know something of Y'Skan's mysterious history, but like the morgedraal, they keep their stories to themselves.

The sands of Y'Skan are perfect for glassmaking, and so, even though conditions are some of the harshest in any of the seven kingdoms, the glass factories are always filled with apprentices.  Because there are so many places of pure desolation, Y'Skan is also the perfect place for young mages whose control over their spells is uncertain, to go and train.  There is even a school of mages in Y'Skavyr.  

Y'Skan, like Y'Nor, is also a land of nomadic cultures.  There are tribes of morgedraal and humans - some exclusively human, some a mix of other races - that call the desert home.  

Founders:  Yskyr and his sorceress wife, Lady Karyth

The People of Y'Skan
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