Current Monarch: Lyssera Kelani
Royal Device:  Against a field of blue, a tree bearing a three pointed crown in its roots.
Capitol City: Y'Syria
Population: Humans number about six million.  There is no accurate accounting of the elven population, because elves tend to be semi-nomadic.  They congregate in the cities at odd times, spending most of their days in the out of doors.  Current estimates hold that there are nearly eleven million elves that call the cities of Y'Syr home, and one can only assume that number increases dramaticallywhen including the "wild" elves.
Main Exports: Crafts of fine artistry, including woven fabrics and tapestries, jewelry, instruments, garments of quality, and honey mead.
Main Imports:  Iron, cotton, certain dyes, glass, beads, wine, grain

Y'Syr is the third kingdom formed by the Firstlanders.  Created when the Firstlander prince, Ysyrall married the daughter of  an elven king.  Before the Firstlanders, the elves of Y'Myran called their world Aldyran and existed in several small tribes spread throughout much of the forests of the continent.  In the early days before Y'Myran came together as a whole, there was much trouble and strife between elves and humans, and for a time, the elves closed themselves off from contact with the humans.  It was the advent of the rimerbeast attacks that first created an uneasy truce between the peoples as they, and the dwarves of the Amyran mountains banded together to drive off the demons.  With a tentative peace established, trade flourished, and eventually, Prince Ysyrall went to the great city of trees on the shore of the great lake between the land of the elves and the newly formed kingdom of Y'Dan and there, he met the beautiful Princess Aliliani.  As is often the case in these meetings, there was much consternation on both sides, but eventually, their love convinced even the staunchest of dissenters, and they were married.  The inclusion of the lands that became known as Y'Syr followed shortly, along with their first child.

Elves are extremely long lived, some living up to a thousand years, though those that do live that long tend to go into seclusion, existing in a solistary abode somewhere in the great northern forest.

Over the last few hundred years, there had been something of a nasty border dispute between Y'Dan and Y'Syr which engendered much ill will between the two kingdoms.  Only the concerted efforts of King Thodan and his warleaders Rhu'len DaCoure, and then later, Rhu'len's daughter, Azhani, brought about a tentative peace.

That peace took a hard blow when the Y'Syran ambassador, Ylera Kelani, was thought to have been murdered by Azhani, and when it was later learned that Arris himself had been responsible, war was contemplated.  Only the invasion of out of season rimerbeasts staved off a war.  Once Arris died, his throne passed on to Allyndev Kelani, a halfelf with ties to the Y'Syran royal family.  Peace has been restored, though there are still issues to be faced along the borders and in the small communities where, on the elven side, memories are long.

Founder: Ysyrall

The People of Y'Syr
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